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The official YCM loan shark


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I support you!But i think Loan Shark should be a moderator so that he can bann anyone you doesnt give back the points by the time limit!


And then what? Points are still gone, and user makes a new account. -___________-



The idiocy of this is that no one will ever need that many points. Contest fees rarely go over 20. If you want to have a contest with like a 10,000 point prize, you just charge each member who joins 200 points, because its totally worth it for a shot at 10,000. At no point would you ever need to take out a loan.

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They also need someway to prevent people from using them in contests because they can just loan a huge amount which can buy more than 3x the current tickets in the lottery and earn it back plus more.

Of course,that depends on how much the interest rate it..

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Bad idea is bad. This is not going to work. And let's not forget this

And then what? Points are still gone' date=' and user makes a new account. -___________-



The idiocy of this is that no one will ever need that many points. Contest fees rarely go over 20. If you want to have a contest with like a 10,000 point prize, you just charge each member who joins 200 points, because its totally worth it for a shot at 10,000. At no point would you ever need to take out a loan.


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Newb: I'd like to borrow 30' date='000 points for a contest please.

Shark: Sure.


Newb leaves YCM. Everyone laughs in the sharks face.





If the person had some brains he/she would know that there aren't any contests with a 30,000 point fee

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