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Pokemon Infinities [PG-13] [Canceled] [Please Lock]


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Alright, Yrpotaku169 and I are friends in real life, and he came up with an idea for a Pokemon RP. Unfortunately, he wanted to scrap it and start a Pokemon RP based off of the heart gold and soul silver versions, so it's my job to keep it going.


The title is:





Rules: The normal rules for RP'ing, plus you may not select The Brotherhood as your faction, nor may you select the Zett Empire as your nationality. You may make a hero, a minor villan, or a neutral character. OOC is allowed per the normal rules.


Setting: Altered anime timeline, 300 years from the end of Advance, includes characters from the special manga and games as well as anime (Well, sort of...). Planet Earth has been devastated by a large meteor that was made up of ununoctium-ferrite, now called catistrophium-ferrite. the huge amount of iron in the compound caused 53.7% of all the Earth's water to react to form iron-oxide, or rust, causing massive desertification of the planet's surface, and wiping out 60% of all life by population, excluding Pokemon for some strange reason.

Deoxys populations have risen to a few million, and they have started attacking towns, villages, and settlements to feed off of human life force. (Note: according to the special manga, Deoxys feed off of the life force of other organisms.) Those that are too strong to be fed off of instead survive, though they bear the blessing and curse of having mutated into beings that are half human, half Pokemon. These beings are known as Anthros.

Every ten years, there is a tournament where the champion is allowed to summon Arceus, the Alpha Pokemon, which will then manipulate reality to grant the trainer any one wish, no matter what it is. All entrants must gather one of 1000 sets of 100 artifacts called puzzle cards. Only when these cards have been gathered will an entrant be allowed into tournament city, where the final rounds will commence.


Character Template:


Name: (Must be included)

Age: (Must be either included or stated as unknown)

Race/Species: (May chose from Human, Anthro, Hybrid, or Shifter (NEW). Hybrids are part Human, part Anthro. Shifters are Humans who can turn into Pokemon for a short amount of time. Anthros, Hybrids, and Shifters must also state what Pokemon species they have chosen, and Anthros and Shifters must take up one slot on their team as they may fight alongside their Pokemon)

Nationality: (Required. Available: The Regions, Haven, The Caribbean States of America, The Remnants of the United States of America, Neo Britonnia, Outpost, Sol Confederation)

Clothes and Appearance: (Required. May either be typed out, or an image)

Team: (In list form. Include moveset, held item, and level between 70 and 80. Also include extra (invented) moves for Anthros if used)

Faction: (Required. Factions are anything except The Brotherhood. You may make up a faction, or join someone else's, but you can only have up to seven players in each faction.)

Note: Anthros must have a standard moveset of 4 moves, but may have up to 4 extra moves. Extra moves that are invented must be explained.


My Character:


Name: John McCloud

Age: 27

Race/Species: Anthro/Luxray

Nationality: Haven

Clothes and Appearance: Vest, Shorts, Yellow Eyes, Black and Blue Fur, Enough spiky hair to make a sayian from DBZ jealous, Hair is black with blue highlights, sword with back mounted scabbard.


Luxray Lv. 80:

Thunder Fang (Equivalent)

Ice Fang (Equivalent)

Crunch (Equivalent)


Other Moves:

Magnet Rise (Equivalent)

Thunderstorm Grenade (Rippoff of Hellzone Grenade)

Generic Attacks

Held Item: Champion's Badge (Multiple use White Herb)

Electivire Lv. 76




Cross Chop

Held Item: Focus Sash

Umbreon Lv. 75





Held Item: Leftovers

Gyrados Lv. 75

Stone Edge

Dragon Dance

Aqua Tail


Held Item: Quick Claw

Tyranitar Lv. 76



Ice Beam


Held Item: Expert Belt

Gengar Lv. 75

Mean Look


Destiny Bond

Dark Pulse

Faction: Team Incom


Premade Characters:

(List to added to)


Major NPCs:


Name: Jessica McCloud

Age: 26

Race/Species: Anthro/Umbreon

Nationality: Outpost

Clothes and Appearance: Magenta Tank Top, Blue denim shorts, black fur with yellow glowing rings on her body, red eyes, solar filtered sunglasses, long black hair


Umbreon Lv. 80





Other Moves:

Shieldwall (Like Protect, but effects the whole team)


Baton Pass

Dark Gaze (Like Mean Look, but effects both opponents in a double battle)

Held item: Solar Glasses (Out of battle effect: allows perfect vision in broad daylight for nocturnal species based Anthros)

Espeon Lv. 77


Shadow Ball

Morning Sun

Baton Pass

Held Item: Expert Belt

Jolteon Lv. 74


Charge Beam

Shadow Ball

Baton Pass

Held Item: Quick Claw

Leafeon Lv 74

Leaf Blade

Energy Ball


Baton Pass

Held Item: Expert Belt

Glaceon Lv 77

Ice Fang



Baton Pass

Held Item: Icy Rock

Vaporeon Lv 76

Acid Armor

Aqua Jet

Aqua Ring


Held Item: Leftovers

Faction: Team Incom


Name: Vincent Van Dyke

Age: 396, and still young

Race: Human?

Clothes and Appearance: If you want to be surprised, do NOT click on the spoiler below.


Glowing red eyes, glasses, Hawaiian shirt, khaki pants, tanned skin, long braided black hair


Team: TBD

Faction: Freelancer (Minor Villan)


(More to come)


Characters So Far:

John McCloud (40kendgame)

Zayon (Blacx)


To be added to this post: Premade Characters, Major NPCs.

I don't normally double post, but any Comments, Complaints, Questions?

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Name: Zayon

Age: 18

Race/Species: Anthro/Magmortar

Nationality: Hoenn

Clothes and Appearance: c1c5718.png



Fire Bolt

Asteroid Strike

Magma Mortor(sound fermilliar)

End Shot


Rypherior lvl. 80:

Rock Blast


Rock Pollish

Flash Cannon

Bastiodon lvl. 74:

Metal Burst

Iron Deffence

Iron Head


Rampardos lvl. 76:

Zen Headbutt

Rock Pollish

Mud Shot


Swampert lvl. 72:


Aqua Pulse

Mud Shot


Staraptor lvl. 75:


Ariel Ace


Close Combat

Faction: Team Incom

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