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Blue Eyes White Dragons

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In the anime, there were 4 total. Why do all the cards revolve around a max of 3? Surely they could have done something in which you could Summon a 4 headed Blue Eyes Beast. Kaiba can Summon 3 Blue Eyes in the same turn without "Releasing" but he can't place a 4th Blue Eyes in his deck? That guy doesn't do anything right does he?



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Just seems kind of weird for a Duel Monsters to have specifically 4 cards printed, but only care about 3 of them. It's almost like the 4th one was destined to be destroyed...


You'd think there was more of a destiny for that 4th card than "I'm Rich! *rip* I don't give a crap!"

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Because YGO doesn't have a strict deck size, and the deck size that most people use is 2/3 the size of other TCGs that allow 4 of each card (MTG/PKMNTCG).

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So 2/3 of 4 = 2.66? So Kaiba ripped the Blue Eyes to have .66 of a card!!!


It all makes sense now!!!


(I do get what you mean' date=' I just feel like that card was killed for a pointless reason)



Deck size refers to the number of all cards in the deck (40 in YGO, 60 in most games), not the maximum number of any given card in the deck.


Of course, a lot of those "most games" have many of those 60 cards being generic resource cards like lands or energies. >_>

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