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Pokemon: Alpha Battle Turnament


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A turnament has been anounced at been anounced in Hoenn's own Evergrand City. Trainers from many Different Regions have come to compete. Litle do they know that it's a tag battle turnament. Many trainers who don't know each other. Who will you be patenered with.




1) each player can have two count 'em two charectars

2)Each charectar can have six pokemon

3) If you want a Legendary ask me first

4)Have fun








Appearance(pic or discription):







Name:Nick Flag


Appearance(pic or discription): 6 foot tall, muscular, mussle t, dirty blond spiked hair, blue jeans

Pokemon:Rypherior, Magmortar, Electrive, Azelf, Alakazam, Drifblim

Pesonality:Friendly but extremely Competive


Name: Seth Zipa

Age: 15

Appearance(pic or discription): 5 foot 4 inches, slender, black long sleve shirt, black baggy cargo pants, black hair that covers one eye

Pokemon: Dusknior, Spiritomb, Uxie, Mightiana, Houndoom, Absol

Pesonality: cold and distant

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Appearance(pic or discription):She is 4'7.SHe has long blond hair with some streaks of black,purple and blue.She wears a blue shirt covering only above her ribs.She wears light blur ripped jeans.She has an army style bandanna in her hair.In the bandana she out a roze or any other flower in her hair using the bandanna to hold them up.


Pesonality:Funny,Very Flirty,Very sudductive and will cheat if she got to

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Name:Shinn Zala


Appearance(pic or discription): (Later)

Pokemon:Metagross, Salamence, Blaziken, Elekid, Crawduant, Regice

Pesonality:He is quite shy but has dreams to become a good trainer, he often loses confidence and his pokemon always try to get his confidence up. He is especially shy around girls but tries not to be.

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Acepted you will be with Seth, be warned be timid around him and he may sabatouge you

we may start


Nick walked slowly into the hotel he was suposed to stay at. His partener form said that he would be pared up with some girl named Britney. He walked into the room they had to share. He had to promiss to be outside in the courtyard durring bath time or whatever she called it. He quickly clamed his bed.

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Seth walked up to the room he suposed to to be sharing with his partener. Some Kid named Shinn. He knocked on the door.


Nick slurped on a slushie that he got from the shop across the street. Azelf floated near him. Using telepathy he said ",Be prepared" "I know don't be buggy," Nick ended

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"Youre Nervous, I can tell, but any way I assume you are Shinn," seth said with the darkness in his voice.


The Next Morning...


"Rise and Shine Trainers, This Chris, your host and Refferee, free breakfast downstairs ," a voice boomed through a Megaphone. Nick quickly raced downstairs and got a huge plate of food.

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Name: Keifeil Lerviqua (Keef-ill) (Lurv-e-kwa) -It's French-


Age: 17



[spoiler= Appearance]





Pokemon: Rotom, Drifblim, Hippowdon, Gallade, Scizor, Magnezone


Personality: Most of the time Keifeil keeps to himself. He is very cool, and when it comes to girls, almost none have been able to resist him. His kind, loving nature gets them more then his looks. Whenever a Pokemon is hurt, or in need, he can be counted on to help heal it. He is a Blackbelt in Jujitsu, so most avoid fighting him, not to mention those he has teached, which is quite a few. He strategizes almost every move in a battle before doing anything. Keifeil has the emotions of a Strong-Hearted boy, and can never go a day without at least one tear coming to his eye at the site of a hurt person, or Pokemon. He can normally be seen in the meadow, singing quietly to himself, or looking after stray Pokemon.

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-Keifeil felt extremely happy today, doing his morning stretches as he walked down the stairs, all ready in his clothes. He was wearing an open vest, showing off his abs, and bare chest, while it had no sleeves, showing off his bare arms. He wore long skinny black jeans. The shirt was blue, with yellow lining. He had a small radio/phone set on his ear, and he could be heard talking plain and out, as he then turned it off with his hand, placing it in his pocket, it folding into a ball, about the size of a Pokeball. He would quickly look at the food, smiling widely as he ate it gratefully, but slowly.-

Keifeil: I must say, zis is quite good, no?

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(K your in)


Nick looked over to Chris after he had finneshed his food, then back at the one called Kira, "Sure we can this is a pokemon hotel," Nick said with a smile. Then his Azelf Floated up behind him.


Seth drifted down stairs. He ate, then his Uxie Floated up behind him.

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