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A quick rate


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I have some cards that I have made, and I wanna see what you think, but I do not have the cards themseves because of the card maker problem. I don't know if you can rate them if I were to type the stuff in like this, but I am going to try. I am going to do only one for now. Thanks alot.


Name: Piercing Flame Dragon


Attribute: Fire


Level: 9


Secret Rare


WR - 001


Type: Dragon

Effect: This card cannot be special summond. If you pay 1000 life points, this card can attack your opponents life points directly. If it does, destroy this card after the end of the battle phase.






Creator: Will Robinson


Year: 2007


Serial Number: 10181992


Try Imagining this picture on an effect monster:




I really hope this works. Please tell me if it does not.


Sorry to bug you guys with this without the card, but I REALLY wanted to see what you think of my first card.(By the way, I pretty shure you guys are gonna say it is overpowerd, but I tried)

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I have some cards that I have made' date=' and I wanna see what you think, but I do not have the cards themseves because of the card maker problem. I don't know if you can rate them if I were to type the stuff in like this, but I am going to try. I am going to do only one for now. Thanks alot.


Name: Piercing Flame Dragon


Attribute: Fire


Level: 9


Secret Rare


WR - 001


Type: Dragon

Effect: This card cannot be special summond. If you pay 1000 life points, this card can attack your opponents life points directly. If it does, destroy this card after the end of the battle phase.






Creator: Will Robinson


Year: 2007


Serial Number: 10181992


Sorry to bug you guys with this without the card, but I REALLY wanted to see what you think of my first card.(By the way, I pretty shure you guys are gonna say it is overpowerd, but I tried)



it's not that the cardmaker doesnt work, ti's just you cannot upload pics anymore, try putting the pics in any picture hosting site and add the url of the pic to where it said the uploaded file, then it will generate the picture, if you had made this cards before, just open them and stop the browser, delete where the uploaded image's path is and save it, refresh your browser and the card should genterate without a pic, write the new pic's URL(from the pic hosting site directly) and genterate, svae afterwards and you should have the card as good as it was never gone.

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Name: Piercing Flame Dragon


Attribute: Fire


Level: 9


Secret Rare


WR - 001


Type: Dragon

Effect: This card cannot be Special Summoned. By paying 1000 Life Points' date=' this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly[/b']. If you activate this card's effect, destroy this card at the end of your Battle Phase.






Creator: Will Robinson


Year: 2007


Serial Number: 10181992



Besides a few minor wording problems, it is pretty good card. A little overpowered, but I've seen much, much worse.




With corrections: 9/10


Sorry if I corrected something wrong. :P

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Ill explain it more clearly............


1)You can get your image hosted at image shack, tinypic, or photobucket,

2)Get the direct link code and paste it where the [upload] Button is.

3)Do your card as you would normally.

4)Save it in your PC and get it Hosted, this time get the code (code for forums)

5)And post the code in the thread.


A)If you had your card already made, but you can't open it because it says generating and never stops or doesnt load the card,

b)push the stop botton on your browser, delete the uploaded image path next to the upload button [upload],

C) now paste the new image code (step 2)

D) steps (3,4,5)


The pic is good BTW

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Dude it worked!

Here is the card!

Look at the top!


the pic?' date=' that's just the pic, try putting it in the card, the Cardmaker is working fine appart from the fact you cant upload images. put the link to the image in the space where the picture's uploaded file should go. The URL [http://www.eternalnight.co.uk/artbooks/e/eggletonbob/burningsundragon.jpg']

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