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Make a Deck contest : CLOUDIANS


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Yes, but none of them are TCG only. Here's my deck:


Cloud Control:


Monsters: 25

Cloudian - Sheep Cloud x3

Cloudian - Cirrostratus x3

Cloudian - Acid Cloud x3

Cloudian - Turbulence x3

Cloudian - Altus x3

Cloudian - Smoke Ball x3

Mother Grizzly x3

Card Trooper

Breaker the Magcial Warrior

Magcian of Faith




Spells: 9

Summon Cloud x3

Salvage x3

Premature Burial

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps: 6

Call of the Haunted

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Spirit Barrier x3


The bad thing is if Cloud Control ever gets popular, Clown Control will follow it, just like how RFP Control followed Zombie Swarm. Heck, even more people will use Enemy Controller than Shrink, and even Elemental Hero decks can effectivly use Spark Blaster.

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