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My no theme deck


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I don't theme my decks, i just add whatever looks good. I need you guys to suggest which cards i need (i'm working on a Jinzo). I will not go over 40 cards and i want half my deck to be monsters.



-Ancient Gear Golem

-Super Conducter Tyranno

-Blue-Eyes White Dragon


-Patrician of Darkness



-Archfiend Soldier

-Wall of Illusion

-Amazoness Tiger

-Cyber Kirin

-Amazon Archer

-Troop Dragon x2

-Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird

-Princess of Tsurugi

-Twin-Headed Behemoth

-The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave

-Gear Golem the Moving Fortress


-Night Assailant

-Kaiser Sea Horse



-Amazoness Archers

-Royal Command

-Sakuretsu Armor

-Bottomless Trap Hole

-Widespread Ruin

-Dust Tornado

-Raigeki Break

-Magic Cylinder

-Just Desserts

-Shadow Spell



-Axe of Despair

-Change of Heart

-Mystical Space Typhoon

-Heavy Storm

-Monster Reborn

-Enemy Controller

-Graceful Charity

-Pot of Avarice

-Swords of Revealing Light

-Card Destruction


I have other cards like magical mallet and call of the haunted, but keep in mind i don't buy that many packs (1 a month) Tell me what pack cards are in so i know what to buy.

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Could be better...

At least get some staples :|




And those guys as well:



-Ancient Gear Golem

-Super Conducter Tyranno

-Blue-Eyes White Dragon -

-Helpoemer -

-Patrician of Darkness



-Archfiend Soldier

-Wall of Illusion -

-Amazoness Tiger -

-Cyber Kirin -

-Amazon Archer -

-Troop Dragon x2

-Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird What does this one here?!

-Princess of Tsurugi

-Twin-Headed Behemoth

-The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave -

-Gear Golem the Moving Fortress

-Zolga -

-Night Assailant

-Kaiser Sea Horse -



-Amazoness Archers -

-Royal Command -

-Sakuretsu Armor

-Bottomless Trap Hole

-Widespread Ruin

-Dust Tornado

-Raigeki Break

-Magic Cylinder

-Just Desserts

-Shadow Spell



-Axe of Despair -

-Change of Heart BANNED

-Mystical Space Typhoon

-Heavy Storm

-Monster Reborn BANNED

-Enemy Controller

-Graceful Charity BANNED

-Pot of Avarice

-Swords of Revealing Light

-Card Destruction


A minus is "remove".

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why does my deck have to be themed? Oh and BEWD is there because it was my first card. I find themed decks....boring


I doesn't have to be themed. No one is forcing you. It will just suck if it doesn't have a theme.


Oh yeah, Petit Angel is my first card, but I'm not using it.


And here is a thing about 7+ star monsters with no effects. You tribute TWO monsters on your side of the field (both probably have a combined ATK of 3200ish) for ONE monster. If that card gets destroyed (it most likely will the first turn you get it out), then you're just plain screwed.

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.... Serious?


For a 5 or 6 star monster, you tribute by selecting one monster on your side of the field, and sending it to the graveyard. Then you just Tribute Summon the 5/6 star monster from your hand.


Its not even worth Tribute Summoning a 7+ Star monster. You have to tribute two monsters. Again, not worth it. At all.

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*Ancient Gear Golem

*Super Conducter Tyranno

*Blue-Eyes White Dragon


*Patrician of Darkness



*Archfiend Soldier

*Wall of Illusion

*Amazoness Tiger

*Cyber Kirin

*Amazon Archer

*Troop Dragon x2

-Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird

*Princess of Tsurugi

-Twin-Headed Behemoth

*The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave

*Gear Golem the Moving Fortress


-Night Assailant

*Kaiser Sea Horse



*Amazoness Archers

*Royal Command

-Sakuretsu Armor

-Bottomless Trap Hole

-Widespread Ruin

-Dust Tornado

*Raigeki Break

-Magic Cylinder

*Just Desserts

*Shadow Spell



*Axe of Despair

*Change of Heart

-Mystical Space Typhoon

-Heavy Storm

*Monster Reborn

-Enemy Controller

*Graceful Charity

-Pot of Avarice

*Swords of Revealing Light

*Card Destruction


i put a star next to each one that should be removed.



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why does my deck have to be themed? Oh and BEWD is there because it was my first card. I find themed decks....boring



i'll answer you in 2 words: SUPPORT and SINERGY!!


check your deck, for example you have 1 amazon archer and 1 amazoness archers... i give you a 4% to get that 2 cards in your first hand... and when you get 1 of those, you won't have the time or the place to pull that combination...



theme decks could be boring to you, but a theme deck will kick the hell to your ass in no time...

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why does my deck have to be themed? Oh and BEWD is there because it was my first card. I find themed decks....boring


I doesn't have to be themed. No one is forcing you. It will just suck if it doesn't have a theme.


Oh yeah' date=' Petit Angel is my first card, but I'm not using it.


And here is a thing about 7+ star monsters with no effects. You tribute TWO monsters on your side of the field (both probably have a combined ATK of 3200ish) for ONE monster. If that card gets destroyed (it most likely will the first turn you get it out), then you're just plain screwed.



Hey! Don't be dissin Blue-Eyes! I think he works well with Birthright, or Kiabaman, or my favorite Summoner's Art/Ancient Rules combo. Also, there's enough normal/dragon support for him.

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Sorry' date=' but you have to select 1 theme. :\


These are just random cards thrown together.



When you say pick a theme I hope you dont mean like all Warriors or all Spellcasters becuase thats kinda dumb. I run Zaborg, Mobius, Gemini Elf and Drillriod. there not all the same but there some of the best cards around.

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