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Newt Archetype

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These are the first cards I am actually making so don't be too harsh if the idea isn't original or if the rulings are unfair, please give me some feedback so I can improve them later on.


Purpose of the Deck

The purpose is to get enough cards on the field in order to summon the powerful rituals to finish off your opponent.


Cards to be posted:



Red Newt - Founder of Plague

Green Newt - Omen of Spell

Blue Newt - Charm of Luck

Yellow Newt - Sign of Resurrection



Minister of Newts - Fire Salamander


Very rare

King of Newts - Emperor Monitor


Posted Cards







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If these cards deal with ritual monsters, I suggest changing the Green Newt to deal with only Ritual Spells. Being able to tutor any Spell out of your deck when that card is Special summoned is too powerful. Tutoring any Ritual Spell card out of your deck is just fine. I'll have to see the other cards before I can give these cards a rating.

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At first I was thinking about that, and changed it later to fit my mind duels (I imagine duels with the cards I made for fun when I'm bored), but no that I think of it, yeah I'll change it to ritual spells ;p.




I have changed the second effect so that you can only add ritual spells to your hand, but left the first unchanged since there is a trap card I have called "Book of spell" letting you return 2 spell cards form your graveyard to your deck, so I guess it should be fine this way.


First ritual posted XD.


Anyways sadly I'll be leaving in about two hours to south america, so I won't be here for about 3 weeks, do comment while I am gone though.


When I get back I'll post the rest of the cards.

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