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Let's get Chaotic

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1 chaos emperor dragon - envoy of the end (IOC)

1 black luster soldier - envoy of the beginning (IOC)

1 dark magician of chaos (IOC)

1 dark armed dragon (PTDN)

2 destiny hero malicious (DP05)

3 thunder dragon (MRD)


1 elemental hero stratos (JUMP)

2 destiny hero diamond dude (EOJ)

1 witch of the black forest (MRD)

1 sangan (MRD)

1 plaguespreader zombie (CSOC)

1 destiny hero - disk commander (WC07)

1 magician of faith (MRD)

1 yata-garasu (LOD)



2 allure of darkness (PTDN)

3 destiny draw (DP05)

1 pot of greed (LOB)

1 graceful charity (SDP)

1 card destruction (SDY)

1 painful choice (MRL)

1 delinquent duo (MRL)

1 confiscation (MRL)

1 the forceful sentry (MRL)

1 dimension fusion (IOC)

1 monster reborn (LOB)

1 premature burial (PSV)

1 reinforcement of the army (LOD)

1 raigeki (LOB)

1 harpie's feather duster (SDD)



2 threatening roar (FET)

1 crush card virus (GLD)

1 imperial order (PSV)

1 call of the haunted (PSV)


Extra Deck : 15

1 red dragon archfiend (TDGS)

1 colossal fighter (5DS1)

1 thought ruler archfiend (TDGS)

1 dark end dragon (SJCS)

1 stardust dragon (TDGS)

1 dark strike fighter (CRMS)

1 black rose dragon (CSOC)

1 arcanite magician (CRMS)

1 goyo guardian (TDGS)

1 magical android (TDGS)

1 ally of justice catastor (DTP1)

1 armory arm ( DP08 )

1 chimeratech fortress dragon (JUMP)

1 cyber twin dragon (CRV)

1 thousand-eyes restrict (PSV)


I hate FTKs and Stardust Dragon. Traditional would be so much fun without these.

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your theme is to summon chaos sorcerer, BLS, and chaos emperor dragon right? well, the deck seems like you want to draw a lot to get them, but the deck doesn't help the cards. You just hope to summon them and use them. you have good cards that can win, but not much of a strategy.

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your theme is to summon chaos sorcerer' date=' BLS, and chaos emperor dragon right? well, the deck seems like you want to draw a lot to get them, but the deck doesn't help the cards. You just hope to summon them and use them. you have good cards that can win, but not much of a strategy.



1 dimension fusion


That's how I win. With the roars I have about 3 turns to get it which is relatively easy to do. Dark Magician of Chaos is the monster I use the most here.

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- 1 D-Draw to make 40.

3 D-Draws for 5 targets is dodgy....


Usually you'd be right, but I run RotA and Stratos plus with all the draw power and thinning with thunder dragon and sangan + witch can search for a destiny hero so they are almost never dead. (well probably more than in the advanced format but that's because of imperial order and forceful sentry)


If anything I'll cut card destruction.

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  • 1 month later...

Why is card destruction in this deck? What am I missing?


I'm pretty sure that card destruction is played because the point is to send light and dark monsters to the grave so you can remove them for the chaos monsters.


And I think this is a necrobump, since this topic was more than a month old since before you posted. Read the date of the last post. If it's more than about a month old, don't post.

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