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Heros Re-join! (The Biggest Sonic RP!!!) Started! Get the best spots before they run out!

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Plot:All of the greatest enemies have joined together, Chaos 7, The Final Biohazard, Metal Overlord,Mephiles, Iblis, Dark Gaia, and Devil Doom, All want revenge twords sonic and shadow and their freinds. Everybody must join together to stop this madness. And the worst part, Devil Doom and Mephiles are the leaders... They continue their search for the chaos emeralds,while Sonic is in posestion of the Dark Blue Emerald, Shadow with the Green Emerald, and Silver with the White Emerald. Only 4 Emeralds to go!



Characters Available:


Shadow-The Night Rider


Knuckles-Angel Of Death




123-Omega-blue eyes pop



Espio-Chaos Sonic

Cream The Rabbit

Blaze-Supreme Gamesmaster

Marine The Raccon-pegasasu


Black Doom

Neo-Metal Sonic-:.Untouched.: Deceased

Neo-Metal Knuckles-:.Untouched.:

Neo-Metal Tails-:.Untouched.:

Scourge The Hedgehog-Dire Wolf



Super Form:


Signiture Moves:(can make your own up just not to OP'ed)



Team Shadow

Team Sonic

Team Silver

Team Chaos (Mephiles,Chaos, Black Doom)

Team Neo[/color]


Super Forms:

Calibur Form-Sonic and the Black Knight

Super From-Most Sonic Games

Hyper Form-Sonic 1,2,3.

Hyper Shadic-Only Sonic and Shadow when they fuse

Werewolf Form (Dark Gaia Form)-Sonic Unleashed

Dark Super-(Only if your teammates die or get close to dieing)

Metal Madness (Only Neo-Metal Sonic A.K.A Super Form of Metal Sonic)



When you fight someone for an emerald you cant say:takes emerald then uses chaos control



My App:


Super Form:Hyper Form


Signiture Moves:Chaos Control, Chaos Blast, Chaos Spear, Spin Dash, (Chaos Storm, Chaos Punishment (1000 Chaos Spears),Chaos Flamestorm, Chaos Sheild, bike and a mp40,Black Tornado,Mephiles Transformation (only for about 30min),Chaos Ultima (Chaos Blast, then 10 chaos spears come out),Fly (Jet Boots)) All Super Form Moves


PRIZES (For those who have stayed,been coopritive, and great ideas for the RP) will be givein prizes when the RP is finished-

1st:3+reps 100 points

2nd:2+ reps 50 points

3rd:1+rep 25 points

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Character:Knuckles but if the man changes mind Sonic

Super Form: hyper form

Team: sonic

Signiture Moves: chaos beaman only do in hyper form c all chaos emeralds and master emrald come to gether and blast destroyin anything in its path chaos freeze chaos mini beam the beam uses one chaos emrald to blast a beam that hurts like chaos spear and chaos speed same effect as chaos control

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Character: E-123, Omega.

Super Form: None. Can take on a semi-super-form by sharing chaos energy with a super form.

Team: Shadow.

Signiture Moves: Chaos Inferno (W/Shadow, Rouge). His hands can transform into flame throwers, machine guns and bomb launchers. He can also launch energy orbs if he is powering himself with a Chaos Emerald.

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First off, Coodoo17 rocks!!!!! I watch his videos all the time. And I think Charmy should have his WD-40 and lighter. Cause in Coodoo's videos, Charmy is a PYRO FREAK! Now that's done. :( You took Shadow. I guess I will be the villan MEPHILES THE DARK!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just trying to get into character.




Super Form: IBLIS

Team: Chaos/Evil

Signiture Moves: Lots of Chaos powers plus dark powers.

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Guest Lily

Character: Vector

Super Form: None.

Team: Team Shadow

Signiture Moves: Rock N Roll Thrash Dance (W/ Espio/Charmy) Grabs a microphone and roars at an unbearable volume, while moving about swinging the microphone's electrical chord.

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Metal Sonic

Super Form

Neo Metal Sonic (Usualy Main Form)

Metal Madness

Hyper Form (Needs A [usualy 2] Chaos Emeralds)


Team Metalix (Neo Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles, Metal Scourge)

Signiture Moves

Metal Sonic's Most Powerful And Impressive Ability Is That He Can Scan Other Characters, Copy Their Life Data Into Himself, And Immediately And Flawlessly Replicate Their Abilities.

Chaos Control From Shadow

Numerous Psychic Powers From Silver

Super-Strength From Knuckles

Shapeshifting (In A Manner Similar To The T-1000 From Terminator 2: Judgment Day) From Chaos

Speed From Sonic


Metal Sonic's Too Cheap To Make His Own Moves. . . He Steals His Enemies Instead!


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sorr been gone awhile' date=' Blue, JB, and Prag accepted, untouched metal sonic isnt on the list, but I will update it, and make a new team



Cool, thanks!!! :D I will be one of the best Mephiles's ever. (I'll try anyway ;))



Umm. . . Metal Sonic Is Going To Attack(And Try to kill) Devil Doom And Mephiles' date=' Seeing As Tey Ae Inferior Beings, And Have Hardly Any REAL Knowledge About Sonic And His Friends.

Hence Why I Made Metal Sonic His Own Team; Team Metallix!


Mephiles would get fed up with Metal Sonic trying to destroy him. And would fight back. He is the leader of the bad team, stated in the rules.


Hey Knight Rider, would you let Metal Sonic have his own team please?

I really would rather not have someone try to kill my character in the begining. Besides, Mephiles has gained more power from when they last enchountered him. His power level is over 9000! Nah, JK. Still, I think he should be another evil team made up of Metal's and leave the real eviling to me and Black Doom.

BTW, when do we start?

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Signiture Moves

Metal Sonic's Most Powerful And Impressive Ability Is That He Can Scan Other Characters' date=' Copy Their Life Data Into Himself, And Immediately And Flawlessly Replicate Their Abilities.

[i']Chaos Control[/i] From Shadow

Numerous Psychic Powers From Silver

Super-Strength From Knuckles

Shapeshifting (In A Manner Similar To The T-1000 From Terminator 2: Judgment Day) From Chaos

Speed From Sonic


Metal Sonic's Too Cheap To Make His Own Moves. . . He Steals His Enemies Instead!



Umm. . . Metal Sonic Is Going To Attack(And Try to kill) Devil Doom And Mephiles' date=' Seeing As Tey Ae Inferior Beings, And Have Hardly Any REAL Knowledge About Sonic And His Friends.

Hence Why I Made Metal Sonic His Own Team; Team Metallix!


Mephiles would get fed up with Metal Sonic and destroy him. His is the leader of the bad team stated in the rules. Can't, Metal Sonic Would Steal Mephiles' Moves And Use them Against Him 0.0


Hey Knight Rider, would you let Metal Sonic have his own team please?

I really would rather not have someone try to kill my character in the begining. Besides, Mephiles has gained more power from when they last enchountered him. His power level is over 9000! Nah, JK. Still, I think he should be another evil team made up of Metal's and leave the real eviling to me and Black Doom. Yes. . . Let The Imferior Being Fight, Metal Sonic Has All The Knowledge On Sonic And His Friends. . . As Well As An Unlimited Knowledge Of The Mobius AND Mushroom Kingdom(SMB.Z). . . And An Overall Unlimited Memory Bank

BTW, when do we start?

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Umm. . . Metal Sonic Is Going To Attack(And Try To kill) Devil Doom And Mephiles' date=' Seeing As They Are Inferior Beings, And Have Hardly Any REAL Knowledge About Sonic And His Friends.

[b']Hence Why I Made Metal Sonic His Own Team; Team Metallix![/b]


Mephiles would get fed up with Metal Sonic and destroy him. His is the leader of the bad team stated in the rules. Can't, Metal Sonic Would Steal Mephiles' Moves And Use them Against Him 0.0


Hey Knight Rider, would you let Metal Sonic have his own team please?

I really would rather not have someone try to kill my character in the begining. Besides, Mephiles has gained more power from when they last enchountered him. His power level is over 9000! Nah, JK. Still, I think he should be another evil team made up of Metal's and leave the real eviling to me and Black Doom. Yes. . . Let The Imferior Being Fight, Metal Sonic Has All The Knowledge On Sonic And His Friends. . . As Well As An Unlimited Knowledge Of The Mobius AND Mushroom Kingdom(SMB.Z). . . And An Overall Unlimited Memory Bank

BTW, when do we start?

Ahem. . .You Missed The Issue!

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