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Sillva, Warlord of Dark World: Discussion

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If this card is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard by a card effect' date=' Special Summon it. If this card is discarded from the hand to the Graveyard by your opponent's card effect, your opponent selects 2 cards in their hand and returns them to the bottom of their Deck in any order.[/quote'][/align]


I prefer this card to Goldd, at least in a format where the Graveyard is a good place to have some of your cards. Their stats are the same, so it's really based on which effect is better when it comes to comparing them.


Does this have any use in today's Meta?



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Guest PikaPerson01

Unless the meta becomes Thestalos and Don Zaloog heavy, there is no need to side this.


The only deck that should main this is Dark World.

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The one reudces your opponent's hand by 2' date=' and also slows there deck down.

The other reduces the opponent's field by 1.



Goldd kills up to two cards >_>

and Goldd is better. field control is more important in Dark World decks

which are the the only decks that run these two effectively.

...but Sillva looks cooler IMO

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This has a possible use as a Side Deck option for Cat Sync, since you can punish Airbellum for it, but since we've got stuff like Mirror of Oaths and Bottomless Trap Hole, which can play this role better, there's not much of a use for it.


I remember this being used fairly often back in the Monarch Meta to punish Thestalos among other stuff, but nowadays this card's too badly outclassed.

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