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Fortunately or unfortunately for you guys I don't have a broken heart (anymore). I passed my exams without studying/reading through the books, most things seem to have worked out and I'm currently trying to build a relationship up... But my tries are usually horrible so we'll see.:)


How about hiring someone to make us a banner or something? Just a something to walk around with and put into the sig so people will notice us. If you look at General, I guess there are enough people with issues and instead of making huge attention-seeking threads there (and getting flamed in the process) they can come and have a tea with us.:)

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I'll join, I've experienced my shares of pain and still do. I still cope with my losses and other things but I cope. to some they wonder how I stay sane from when they hear my life history(the sad/bad parts) truth is I had gone insane in the past once but I classify it as sane since its what anyone can do, almost everyone doesnt like to talk about, and the result can be life changing to many people. I'd like to join to let others know that there are other people out there that feel their pain too.

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I am the angel of black raven wings, constantly hiding in the dark of my feathers, hiding from reality.

The reality that strangles me...the reality that rots me...the reality that prejudicts me against myself.

My reality is nothing now...just the darkness of my feathers...and the gleaming pearls that are my tears...as I weep to the darknes...constantly hiding...


I am Kuja the Magnificent, soon to be .:Angel of Sorrow and Love:., and I want join this society of broken hearts, souls and bodies.

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