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Warrior Synchro Contest

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Scores of the Top 3:

1st Place :YugiohPro

-Picture= 9/10

-Attractiveness= 10/10

-Effect= 10/10

-OCG= 20/20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) 20/20

-Originality= 20/20

Total: 89/90

This is definitely first place material! It has no noticable OCG, kthis picture isnt magnificent but great and its effect is 100% original.


2nd Place: Crisis King:

-Picture= 10/10

-Attractiveness= 9/10

-Effect= 10/10

-OCG= 19/20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) 20/20

-Originality= 20/20

Total: 88/90

This is a great card with an original effect. There were a few OCG errors but not enough for major deduction. Great card.


3rd Place: .:*Cyber~KaiserX*:.

-Picture= 7/10

-Attractiveness= 6/10

-Effect= 9/10

-OCG= 19/20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) 20/20

-Originality= 20/20

Total: 81/90

Good card though I dont really like the picture. It's not OP or UP and it's effect is super original.


The altogether winner of this contest is:


First Place Winner: YugiohPro

Second Place Winner: Crisis King

Third Place Winner: Tainted Wisdom


Points will be sent now and your Reps will be givin today and tomorrow.


(Sorry for my extreme lateness)

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