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Warrior Synchro Contest

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can i judge??


No more open Judge spots

I'm going to post it now. =] I hope girls get some respect by this card.


[spoiler= Civyieroza Ivzveroin]






[spoiler= Card Lore]

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by placing it from your hand to the bottom of your Deck. During each of your End Phases' date=' place 1 Yzferior Counter ( Max.8 ) on this card if it was placed at the bottom of your Deck. By removing 8 Yzferior Counters from this card, you can place this card face-down in your Graveyard. This card cannot be removed from play if it was placed in the Graveyard by this effect. During your third Standby Phase, after this card has been placed face-down in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card to your side of the field in face-up Attack Position. When this card is Special Summoned, remove from play all cards on the field. This card is unaffected by the effects of cards controlled by your opponent. By Tributing this face-up monster, Special Summon up to 5 of your removed from play monsters. Those monsters cannot declare an attack during the turn they are Summoned, and are destroyed during the End Phase. When a monster Special Summoned by this effect is destroyed, inflict 800 damage to your opponent. During your End Phase, by paying 2000 Life points, you can Special Summon 1 "Kuiyzvrion Desritus" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.





x[ ohz noez! your card isnt a Synchro ; . ; but i like it :3

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I'll make a synchro. I knew I made that mistake. Rofl.

Here is my card.


[spoiler= Aeryil, Dancing Enigma]





[spoiler= Card Lore]

"Meli, Dancing Fortune" + 1 or more non-Tuner "Dancing" monsters

All LIGHT monsters you control are unaffected by the effects of Effect Monsters. When this card declares an attack, discard 1 card in your hand. If you discarded a "Dancing" card, increase the ATK of this card by 600. If there is a face-up "Dancing Studio" on your side of the field, you can half the ATK of this card to attack your opponent directly. During each of your opponent's Standby Phases, increase his/her Life points by 1000.



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Ill post my top 3 if thats ok...


In no specific order...




1.Kenta The Forbidden One

-Picture= 7/10

-Attractiveness= 6/10

-Effect= 7/10

-OCG= 10/20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) 8/20 OP

-Originality= 14/20

Total: 52/90(Average)



-Picture= 8/10

-Attractiveness= 7/10

-Effect= 6/10

-OCG= 7/20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) 8/20 UP

-Originality= 7/20

Total: 43/90(Not good)


Tainted Wisdom

-Picture= 9/10

-Attractiveness= 9/10

-Effect= 8/10

-OCG= 17/20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered)13/20 OP

-Originality= 14/20

Total: 70/90(Very good)



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Crisis King

-Picture= /10

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /10

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /20

-Originality= /20

Total: /90



-Picture= /9

-Attractiveness= /8

-Effect= /10

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /10

-Originality= /16


Total: /63



-Picture= /10

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /9

-OCG= /19

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /10

-Originality= /20

Total: /78


ecxell 9

-Picture= /10

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /5

-OCG= /15

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /9

-Originality= /20

Total: /84



-Picture= /0

-Attractiveness= /0

-Effect= /0

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /5

-Originality= /0

Total: /25



-Picture= /10

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /10

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /20

-Originality= /15

Total: /85


Yu-gi-oh FOR-LIFE

-Picture= /5

-Attractiveness= /5

-Effect= /3

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /5

-Originality= /20

Total: /28



-Picture= /5

-Attractiveness= /5

-Effect= /5

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /20

-Originality= /20

Total: /75



-Picture= /10

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /10

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /20

-Originality= /20

Total: /90


Kenta the Forbidden One

-Picture= /5

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /10

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /20

-Originality= /20

Total: /85

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Crisis King

-Picture= /10

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /10

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /20

-Originality= /20

Total: /90



-Picture= /9

-Attractiveness= /8

-Effect= /10

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /10

-Originality= /16


Total: /63



-Picture= /10

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /9

-OCG= /19

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /10

-Originality= /20

Total: /78


ecxell 9

-Picture= /10

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /5

-OCG= /15

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /9

-Originality= /20

Total: /84



-Picture= /0

-Attractiveness= /0

-Effect= /0

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /5

-Originality= /0

Total: /25



-Picture= /10

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /10

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /20

-Originality= /15

Total: /85


Yu-gi-oh FOR-LIFE

-Picture= /5

-Attractiveness= /5

-Effect= /3

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /5

-Originality= /20

Total: /28



-Picture= /5

-Attractiveness= /5

-Effect= /5

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /20

-Originality= /20

Total: /75



-Picture= /10

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /10

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /20

-Originality= /20

Total: /90


Kenta the Forbidden One

-Picture= /5

-Attractiveness= /10

-Effect= /10

-OCG= /20

-Power= OP(overpowering) or UP(underpowered) /20

-Originality= /20

Total: /85


Just wondering, but why didn't you rate my card?

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