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The Fool's Game | Subscriber Special | Pass the Bomb


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Good evening, Subscribers. Today's Game is known as Pass the Bomb.


Today's Fool's Game is the first of it's kind; the Subscriber Special. This Game is open only to our Subscribers - currently four. If you are not a Subscriber, this is as far as you'll go. This Game will also be a bit smaller and faster than the others.


How to Play


Pass the Bomb is a very easy Game. The objective is to not hold the Bomb when it detonates. One of the Players will be given the Bomb at the start of the Game, and can pass it along to another Player.


To Pass the Bomb, submit an amount of Points to the Dealer, with a minimum of 20 points. Each time the Bomb is Passed, this minimum amount is increased by 10 points. The higher your submitted amount is, the higher is your chance of success. The highest possible amount you can submit at any given time is twenty times the minimum amount.


If you have received the Bomb, you must pass it along. However, here comes the trick. Your submitted amount must be equal to or higher than the previously submitted value. If your amount is lower, the Bomb explodes and you are eliminated from the Game.


Also, the Bomb has a timer - initially set on thirty-six hours. If you fail to pass the Bomb before the timer runs out, the Bomb explodes and you are eliminated. When the Bomb is Passed, the timer resets and the time is decreased by two hours. So, it will fall to thirty-four, thirty-two, until the Game becomes faster and faster.


You can Pass the bomb to any current Player - specify which Player to receive the Bomb. The ideal donation I receive would be this:


The user have sent you 50 points. The reason is Passing the Bomb - Target Name


Other formats will be accepted, but the above is preferred.


How to Win


The Winner of the Game is the only that hasn't been killed by the Bomb. The Winner will receive the combined Subscription fees for this month, and all Points used to Pass the Bomb.


If you have any questions, feel free to send a PM.

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