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DG's and DH's Emporium {Come and get your credit cards now!!}


Are credit cards a good thing  

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  1. 1. Are credit cards a good thing

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[align=center] DG's and DH's Shop




Welcome to Dog-Kings and Dark Hearts Shop.

Here everything is for 1 Point.

Here we will have Credit Cards.

You need to pay 20 Points for a Credit Card.

10 to Dog King and 10 to Dark Heart.


Credit Cards

First one to ask for a Credit Card gets it for free

If you don't buy any item fir 20 days and you had a Credit Card well thne yiur Credit Card is deleted and you need to nuy a new one.

To get points for your credit cards you need to do any of these things :

Make us a good Banner

Make us a good Contest

Tell us what to Download to add more things here

Join our sponsered contest

Make a number of posts in our sponsered Club

Be a good buyer

Each time you buy 5 things you get 1 point

(Other stuff will be added later)


Credit Card Points

Everything is 1 point here so if you have 12 points in your Credit Card you can get 12 free items.

Simple as that .There regular points except you don't pay anything.

How good is that.


Dark Heart's Items

[spoiler=Pic Crop]

post the pic and tell me how you want it to be croped







post the pic the colour of writing and teh name here




[spoiler= Anime Yu-Gi-Oh Cards]

Post me a Card that you made and i will add its Picture Attribute and Stars




[spoiler=Recolours/ Invert {Invert Free}]

Post me your card in . Make it Common . Choose which colour from the list in Examples.


29734605.jpg and sgdg.jpg




Send me a Pic and its Type and i'll make you the Token.




[spoiler=Dark Synchro]

Post me in the details

Name , Level , Picture , Circluation , Set ID , Type , Effect , ATK , DEF ETC.







Dog-King's Items

[spoiler= Anime Yu-Gi-Oh Cards]

Post me a Card that you made and i will add its Picture Attribute and Stars





Post me your card in . Make it Common . Choose which colour from the list in Examples.




[spoiler=Golden Sticker]

Just post in a card and say that you want a Golden Sticker





Send me a Pic and its Type and i'll make you the Token.




[spoiler=Dark Synchro]

Post me in the details

Name , Level , Picture , Circluation , Set ID , Type , Effect , ATK , DEF ETC.





Everything is 1 point here


Credit Cards

WereLord {5} Points on card. Last Post [6/30/09]

StarFire3 {4} Points on card. Last Post [Yesterday]



Buys made


1x Dark Synchro



Points got from Credit Cards 0000

Points got from buys 0001


Enjoy and Order



post me all the things you would for a Dark Synchro Atribute etc.





While .:Dog-King:. is away on his summer break i'll take control of this shop.



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WereLord Gets your Credit Card for free

starfire3 you get your credit card for free too


no more free Credit Cards


Now you too have 0 points in your credit card you can make us banners

teach us new things to add to the shop

be nice

buy things


also if you don't buy anything for 20 days your Credit Card will be deleted with all the points


Also buy things what we have in the shop

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Please buy

everything is just 1 point


Do not bump within 24 hours.

do what she says or this will get lock shes done it to me before

WereLord Gets your Credit Card for free

starfire3 you get your credit card for free too


no more free Credit Cards


Now you too have 0 points in your credit card you can make us banners

teach us new things to add to the shop

be nice

buy things


also if you don't buy anything for 20 days your Credit Card will be deleted with all the points


Also buy things what we have in the shop

wrong they both have ten coz they are our first buyers

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Genon - The Ultimate Dark Guardian, 7 , Picture , Circluation , TAPG , Fairy , 1 Dark Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn you can remove from play one monster one the Field. Then you can Special Summon on monster from your Hand. If this card is removed from play Special Summon it. , 2700, 2700


And here is the Actual card if you want





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I'll make it

also DK you don't put down when they bought it

you put down how many days have passed sinbce they didnt buy


also 10 is to much cos they got free Credit Card

change it to 5

and Dark Heart now in the buyers place put doiwn this


1x Dark Synchro



heres the code to that

1x Dark Synchro [/spoiler] 



I'm making you a Dark Synchro

you don't need to pay cos you have 5 points in your Credit Card now youll have 4


And you got the start wrong

its supposed to be

1 non-Tuner monster - 1 Dark Tuner monster

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.


Also is it ok if i thix the OCG

if you want it your way i'll remake the card


O and you didnt fill in the form correctly

so its good that you posted the card



starfitre3 read

i can't make you the card

i need to get your image link

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I'll make it

also DK you don't put down when they bought it

you put down how many days have passed sinbce they didnt buy


also 10 is to much cos they got free Credit Card

change it to 5

and Dark Heart now in the buyers place put doiwn this


1x Dark Synchro



heres the code to that

1x Dark Synchro [/spoiler] 



I'm making you a Dark Synchro

you don't need to pay cos you have 5 points in your Credit Card now youll have 4


And you got the start wrong

its supposed to be

1 non-Tuner monster - 1 Dark Tuner monster

In order to Special Summon this card' date=' subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.


Also is it ok if i thix the OCG

if you want it your way i'll remake the card


O and you didnt fill in the form correctly

so its good that you posted the card



[b'] starfitre3 read[/b]

i can't make you the card

i need to get your image link


no he dosn't starfire in card maker right click on the card and click on propetis PM it to me and i'll make it

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I'll make it

also DK you don't put down when they bought it

you put down how many days have passed sinbce they didnt buy


also 10 is to much cos they got free Credit Card

change it to 5

and Dark Heart now in the buyers place put doiwn this


1x Dark Synchro



heres the code to that

1x Dark Synchro [/spoiler] 



I'm making you a Dark Synchro

you don't need to pay cos you have 5 points in your Credit Card now youll have 4


And you got the start wrong

its supposed to be

1 non-Tuner monster - 1 Dark Tuner monster

In order to Special Summon this card' date=' subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.


Also is it ok if i thix the OCG

if you want it your way i'll remake the card


O and you didnt fill in the form correctly

so its good that you posted the card



[b'] starfitre3 read[/b]

i can't make you the card

i need to get your image link




Ok, sorry. And the start is correct, Look:

[spoiler=Card Example]




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I'll make it

also DK you don't put down when they bought it

you put down how many days have passed sinbce they didnt buy


also 10 is to much cos they got free Credit Card

change it to 5

and Dark Heart now in the buyers place put doiwn this


1x Dark Synchro



heres the code to that

1x Dark Synchro [/spoiler] 



I'm making you a Dark Synchro

you don't need to pay cos you have 5 points in your Credit Card now youll have 4


And you got the start wrong

its supposed to be

1 non-Tuner monster - 1 Dark Tuner monster

In order to Special Summon this card' date=' subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.


Also is it ok if i thix the OCG

if you want it your way i'll remake the card


O and you didnt fill in the form correctly

so its good that you posted the card



[b'] starfitre3 read[/b]

i can't make you the card

i need to get your image link




Ok, sorry. And the start is correct, Look:

[spoiler=Card Example]





not exactly the thing is as dsynchros have negative stars it's acctually 1 Dark Tuner - 1 or more non Dark Tuner

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i was gone

also DH did you make the Dark Synchro for him

so anyone else buy a CC

Also since i'm going away on my holidays i'm making a .:Dog-King:. Special

that means

all people with Credit Cards can buy 4 items of me every day for FREE

This will go on until JULY 18

so buy Credit Cards now


in the name of this can you make it this

DG's and DH'd Emporium / Everything 1 points here such as DS , Boosters and others. {Dog Kings Special. People with Credit Cards can get free stuff.}

and in on the bottom of the main posts by u

make a spoiler and make the spoiler name .:Dog-King:. Special

and the post will be

People with Credit Card can get 4 items a day for FREE of .:Dog-King:.

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