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What would you rather do- Hunting or camping?

Dante Dimercurio

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Hunting is Exciting to me, Camping is Exciting to me also, i hardly do all those things cuz' i'm busy. So i can't choose over one another, otherwise i'll just Smack my Head. :lol:


Edit: I don't Sing Songs or Roast Marshmellows...well, i do Roast Marshmellows...Ahem, thats not the Point. The Point is, i like Both. I love to Hunt, i love Nature...the forests and Mountains and someother Whatnot.

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I go hunting cuz' we need Food, its kinda Fun, the Thrill of the Hunt, to be a MAN :D

And WE Love Nature (My Culture) And i'm sure someone will guess which Race am i.

But..."We Cry when there's trash around Nature".

Apparently WE Just pick the Dam Trash and throw it elseWHERE!!!

Sorry if i'm Ranting...or was it...?

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But, its about Hunting aswell. WE LIVE TO EAT ANIMALS! Tasty ones though, no birds or Chipmunks.

Just Partridges, Moose...Moooosssseeee *Drools all over the Keyboard and Explodes*

Anyways, so on so on, i can Never Choose which. So thats That! Period


*Realize's theres no Period*

Hey, wheres the Dot!!!

So, yea...I would of chose both, but i guess since we love Nature...but we need Animals to survive...but we need Nature to live in Peace and...nvm.

Maybe i'll choose one, maybe...

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I hate both, but I would have to pick camping, because I can't kill an animal (how horrible)but it is some peoples only way to live, can't do much about that, but to donate to animal protection agentices, which I do when I go to pets mart


plus never gone hunting or camping, because I hate both, but I have gone shooting practice, its fun to shoot old pumpkins, small part like explode when it gets hit

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total Hypocrite' date=' you say killing, but under your username you say go to church



Well, his user name doesn't say that he believes in church, it's telling you to go to church. And I'm a catholic but I still love hunting and my religion's not gonna change the way I do everything.

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