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how much are you weak to scares?


How scary is this?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. How scary is this?

    • LV 5 (extremely scary)
    • LV 4 (really scary)
    • LV 3 (sorta scary)
    • LV 2 (not really scary)
    • LV 1 (not scary at all)

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Well, they're Japanese, but I think they are scary. Rate how scary this is to see how much you are weak to scares. (don't cheat)
Me? LV4. I'm really weak to scares.

[spoiler=Scare Rater]
LV 5 (max. scared) - Extremely weak against scares
LV 4 - Super weak
LV 3 - usual
LV 2 - sorta strong
LV 1 - really strong
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lacikus, you trying to be macho?


Wait, Ronald Mcdonald in a chinese movie that has "loleffects"?

gotta be pretty stupid to try and give a clown who's living in the fricking sewer a hand :P


LV 3: But if you try and scare me i'm most likely to bish slap you, ask my nephiuw.

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