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The Flash Card Maker Engine (YCM game may be announced)


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so basically I started gathering up loads of these little engines together which someday I'm going to turn into a huge flash project.


Here is a link to the card maker I have made in flash. These cards are not designed to look as realistic as possible. They are designed so that I can easily code cards into a future flash project. currently it only works for effect monsters and has no spell/trap support


Here it is: http://megaswf.com/view/c56fd22ceb6991ee843d6a0b85369fd7.html


This is only part one of the super awesome project I may or may not be planning 8) (which totally may not be an awesome game:D)

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Because this isn't graphics


Because you're wrong I should insult you.

I wont tho so dont worry.


Anyway' date=' this looks like a nice cardmaker but it looks like the old one YCMaker made. Even tho these aren't supposed to look good why not try making them look better anyway? =']

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Pretty epic' date=' but does it let you do effects? That would be important.



my aim was to have it something like on the yugioh games. The card pics don't show much but there is a lore box underneath. If I were to add effects I would have to make the card a lot bigger which is something I can't really do in a game because it takes up a lot of space already. I can add effects easily

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