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Temple's Wrath Set, please take a look


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Please evaluate my cards this is my second set I posted here please comment on them.


Temple Dragon LV2


Dragon / Tuner

2 / 800 / 400

During your Standby Phase you may tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Temple Dragon LV 4" from your Hand or Deck. When this card is Summoned draw a card from your deck. During the End Phase of your Turn your opponent gains 600 Life Points.


Temple Dragon LV4


Dragon / Tuner

4 / 1600 / 800

During your Standby Phase you may tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Temple Dragon LV 6" from your Hand or Deck. When this card is Summoned draw a card from your deck. If this card was Summoned by the Effect of "Temple Dragon LV2" Increase the ATK of this card by 500. During the End Phase of your Turn your opponent gains 500 Life Points.


Temple Dragon LV6


Dragon / Tuner

6 / 2100 / 1600

During your Standby Phase you may tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Temple Dragon LV8" from your Hand or Deck. When this card is Summoned draw a card from your deck. If this card was Summoned by the Effect of "Temple Dragon LV4" Increase the ATK of this card by 700. During the End Phase of your Turn your opponent gains 500 Life Points.


Temple Dragon LV8


Dragon / Tuner

8 / 3200 / 2100

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Temple Dragon LV6". When this card is Special Summoned draw 2 cards. If you use this card for a Syncro Summoning of a Dragon type Monster you can treat the Level of this card as 2, 4, 6, or 8. If this card is treated as a Level 8 for the use of a Syncro Summon your opponent discards 1 random card from his hand.


Temple's Riches

Normal Spell

Tribute 1 face-up "Temple" card. Draw 2 cards.


Temple Guards

Counter Trap

You can only activate this card while you control 1 "Temple Dragon" monster. Tribute 1 "Temple" monster you control Negate the activation of a Spell or Trap Card, or Special Summon of a monster and remove from play that card.


Temple's Wrath

Equip Spell Card

Equip only to a "Temple" monster you control. When the equipped monster inflicts battle damage to your opponent your opponent discards one random card from their hand.


Priestess of the Temple


Spellcaster / Effect

4 / 1800 / 800

Once per turn you may tribute 1 "Temple Dragon" monster you caontrol to special summon 2 "Wyrmling Tokens" ( level 1 Earth atk 0 def 0 When a Wyrmling Token is removed from the field draw a card) to your side of the field.


Paliden of the Temple


Warrior / Effect

3 / 1600 / 800

When this card attack a monster inrease the atk of this card by 100 per "Temple" monster card in the Graveyard with a different name until the end of the turn. When this card destroys a monster by battle Special Summon 1 "Temple Dragon LV2" from your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard.


God of the Temple


Dragon / Syncro

12 / 4000 / 3500

"Temple Dragon LV8" + 1 or more non-Tuner Earth monsters. When this card is Syncro Summoned seccessfully draw 1 card from your deck Equal to the number of monster used to Syncro Summon this card +1. Then discard 2 cards from your hand.


Earth Temple

Field Spell

When a "Temple Dragon" monsteror "God of the Temple" you control is destroyed/removed from play Special Summon 1 "Wyrmling Token" ( level 1 Earth atk 0 def 0 When a Wyrmling Token is removed from the field draw a card) to your side of the field.Once per turn if this card would be destroyed by an effect of a card controlled by your opponent you may discard 1 card from your hand instead.

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