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How to Holo(GIMP)

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Basic Holo

Step.1. First, save these or copy them.


Step.2.The open up GIMP.

Step.3.Got to File>Open and open the pic or the card pic you want to holo.

Step.4.Press Ctrl>Alt>O and open up the holo sheet you want to use.

Step.5.Press Shift>T and holo whole pic or the whole card pic.

Step.6.Press Ctrl+L.

Step.6.Press the bar that says "Normal" then click "Dodge"

Step.7.Save your holoed pic or card pic in "Save As"

Step.8.Replace .jpg with .png

Step.9.Go to http://www.tinypic.com and upload it.


This is what it should look like:



Advanced Holos

1. Begin by following steps 1-3 from the first tut.


2. Now select the Fuzzy Select Tool or press U.


3. Select the everything in the pic that is not the important thing.

4. Right click somewhere in the selected region and go to Edit>Paste Into.

5. Got to layers, then switch the mode to Dodge.

And the final outcome!


If you dont get this then I can do it for you at Zwang's Discount Center Just click here http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-131013.html

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Basic Holo

Step.1. First' date=' save these or copy them.

[img']http://i44.tinypic.com/11cf8cx.png[/img] dnk8xs.png

Step.2.The open up GIMP.

Step.3.Got to File>Open and open the pic or the card pic you want to holo.

Step.4.Press Ctrl>Alt>O and open up the holo sheet you want to use.

Step.5.Press Shift>T and holo whole pic or the whole card pic.

Step.6.Press Ctrl+L.

Step.6.Press the bar that says "Normal" then click "Dodge"

Step.7.Save your holoed pic or card pic in "Save As"

Step.8.Replace .jpg with .png

Step.9.Go to http://www.tinypic.com and upload it.


This is what it should look like:



Advanced Holos

1. Begin by following steps 1-3 from the first tut.


2. Now select the Fuzzy Select Tool or press U.


3. Select the everything in the pic that is not the important thing.

4. Right click somewhere in the selected region and go to Edit>Paste Into.

5. Got to layers, then switch the mode to Dodge.

And the final outcome!


If you dont get this then I can do it for you at Zwang's Discount Center Just click here http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-131013.html

How do you holo the whole pic?

I don't get this. Sorry, I just downloaded GIMP today and don't know really how to holo with these instructions.

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