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Infernal Reckless Summon = Mill?


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Monsters: 19


Beast of the Pharaoh x3

Krebons x2

Morphing Jar

Paladin of the Cursed Dragon x3

Plague Wolf x3

Plaguespreader Zombie

Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower x3

Spirit Reaper (Drop?)

Zombie Master x3


Spells: 18


Book of Life x2

Card Destruction

Emergency Teleport

Giant Trunade

Hand Destruction x3

Infernal Reckless Summon x3

Lightning Vortex x2 (Clears my opponent's field after IRS)

Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon


Zombie World x3


Traps: 4


Crush Card Virus

Solemn Judgment x3


Ok, no prize for guessing how it works, or for that matter, just how bad it is.

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That could work, I'll test it, also, for some reason I'm thinking of teching Kuraz, yes or no? On one hand I wouldn't be able to Normal Summon it with ZW out, but on the other, it's effect activate's when it's Special Summoned, which allows for some really good mill.

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