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My Name's Liam

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It's not, it's actually Dylan McShane. Now that we've got that established, here's some Gadget Deck.


Monsters: 19


Yellow Gadget x2

Red Gadget x2

Green Gadget x2

Cyber Valley x3

Cyber Dragon x1

Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame x2

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind x3

Plaguespreader Zombie x1

Rose, Warrior of Revenge x3


Spells: 11


Mind Control x3

Brain Control x1

Limiter Removal x1

Smashing Ground x1

Monster Reborn x1

Heavy Storm x1

Giant Trunade x1

Pot of Avarice x2


Traps: 10


Ultimate Offering x2

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Mirror Force x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Trap Dustshoot x1

Solemn Judgment x3


Extra: 15


Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1

Stardust Dragon x2

Dark End Dragon x1

Colossal Fighter x1

Red Dragon Archfiend x1

Dark Strike Fighter x2

Black Rose Dragon x1

Gladiator Beast Gyzarus x1

Goyo Guardian x1

Doomkaiser Dragon x1

Magical Android x1

Ally of Justice - Catastor x1

Armory Arm x1


Side Deck : 15


Trap Eater x3

Gladiator Beast Bestiari x1

Gladiator Proving Ground x1

Mirror of Oaths x3

Light-Imprisoning Mirror x3

Waboku x2

Lightning Vortex x2

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-Some cards

+2 Pot of Avarice


It would actually work so well here' date=' provided you can get the Ultimate Offering engine going.




I agree, so I negged Vortex and a Bottomless for 2.


got me there XD


probably neg solemn and smashing for the 2 pots' date=' solemn at 1 seems eh....and smashing you may want to side deck



Ah, typo, supposed to be 3 Solemns. K fixed. ;) I'll keep Smashing over Vortex though as I've got 2 Vortexes sided.

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