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The Plauge- STARTED- Always Accepting!

Christian Exodia

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It's 2011. The Plauge(as known just two years before as the Swine Flu pandemic) has changed totally. All the deaths of it have stayed in the body, & spread. Now, the plauge walkers(People that have died & came back with the plauge controlling them) have been spreading it, & few are left uninfected. Will you find the cure, or become one of them?



Name: Raven Fields

Age: 16

Gender: F

Occupation: Singer for the rising band Skyward

Infected?: N


Plauge Stages:

1st: Normal Swine Flu

2nd: You start to experience sudden blindness

3rd: Your skin & tounge start to change colors

4th: You get heat flashes & your tounge starts to burn uncontrollably

5th: Hallucinations

6th: Your a full fledged Plauged Walker

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so basically we're fighting zombies


Name: Nicholas Hawk

Age: 14 1/2

Gender: M

Occupation: swordsman apprentice

Infected?: N


Hay whats up im samss I have saw your cards an I say they are SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! You want to be pals.

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OOC: Okay.


Alex walks into his totally deserted house. He walks to the fridge, but notices something wierd. The lights are on. They're usually off. A plauge walker confronts him. "GAHHHHH!!!" He yells, running for the AK-47. He blasts him numerous times, killing him. He grabs some food & runs on the streets.

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