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Zombie Outbreak


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  • 2 months later...

i would like to join...

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"not knowing what would happen i enter the room to find a common zombie.it charges at me and i duck behind the beat up and torn couch that is near me. as it comes toward me i prepare the old bread knife i found for a very powerful attack.It charges at me a second time and i get it in the neck.After thisi search the room and find that there is a secret panel on the back of the fire place.As I open it a licker comes into the room via the floor.i open the secret panel quickly and find just what i need, a can of bug spray and several lighters."No time to wonder why these are here for,"i say.I turn on the lighter and spray the bug spray to make a crude flamethrower.It scalds the licker and it makes a hasty retreat(30 Hp)."he'll be back" i say to myself as i leave the room by the door on the left side of the room." of course you could not let me in and not have as much imagination in a free tube wth a hint of something or another plz except!

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I pace along the banistair, I hear ruffling from Room 13 and I walk over to it.I opened the door and as I looked up there was a group of lickers, "Oh crap!" I shout.I fire my gun and kill them.I walk over to a cupboard when I opened there was a selection of items.I take them.







Medicene x5

Thompson Ammo x17

Firewood Axe

Rusty Crowbar

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i walk into the room next to me on the first floor maybe i dont now which one is locked...


I find a Hellhound sitting next to the only weapon in sight-an SMG. I didn't know how a zombie managed to get a freakin SMG but i knew what i must do-get the gun if I was goin to survive.

I jumped to the left as the Hellhound charged straight for me. I manage to duck out of the way as i make it to the table before the Hellhound realizes it's idiocy. I grab the discarded SMg and it only has a measly half clip of bullets. I fir e most of them making the Hellhound retreat out of the room for five seconds giving me enogh time to prepare one of the legs of the table as a make-shift club. As it comes charging at me i hit it full in the face and run out of the room. As i run down the hallway with the Hellhound barreling after me i duck into a room and find some empty shot gun shells. I say "Heh looks like there is some other living people around in this sad infested hole of an area." I pull out my SMG one more time and look around to find two discarded SMG clips that are one half full each and the Hellhound I shoot the Hellhound and it shrivels up. .End Turn


R=SMG (half clip of bullets.)

L=small table leg

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i walk into the room next to me. then i hear a noise. i rip off an old, yet large, table leg. suddenly, a Hellhound MKI pounces from behind. i whack it with mah table leg in the head. while it's confused by the hit, i beat it to death. it disappears by exploding into ashes (in my point of view).


L=large table leg (weaker arm than right)

R=meat cleaver



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When i go back to the room where i first sighted the hellhound it was gone but it left a suprise under a false floor board-a rack of twelve bottles of holy water. i stick them in my back pack when a common zombie appears. i pull out a vail of holy water and throw it at the zombie and it turns into dust.



L=Small table leg

Backpack=11 vails of holy water

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i look around and spot a broken glass bottle and a pile of dust. i enter the room and see a man.

i perpare my cleaver and get ready to slice in case it was a zombie. he looked tward me and then we yelled (both at same time)"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i take mah table leg and try to hit him. he takes his and tries to hit meh. this turned suddenly into a leg fight.(doesen't end here.) suddenly, a common zombie walked in. his teeth had squirrel tail in it. i took my leg and my cleaver and hit it twice with each. it droped to the ground and dissappeared.


enemies killed: 2(for now)


then a hellhound MKI jumped at zerg and i threw mah cleaver at its chest while in mid-air. it died.

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"Thank you for the help"I say,then i pass you 3 vials of the potent holy water,and walk out of the room.As I walk out I hit a common zombie in the face while shooting the rest of my half clip and killing it.After this i continue walking down the hallway and up the stairs.


R=Table Leg(small)

L=SMG(last half clip)

Bag=8 vails of holy water

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i follow. a Hellhound MKI pounces and while walking i, emotionless, punched it in the face while in mid air, not facing tward it. it fell to the ground unconcious."still here huh? lemme put you OUT OF YOUR MISERY!!!!!!" i then jump and stab it in the chest. it dies and dissappears. "i'm gonna save these holy waters for the licker. those things are rare ya know!." i yelled to zerg."as soon as i find one i'm covering everything in anti-poof(no-dissappear liquid). the holy water'll probaby just make it weak so i can kill it. then i'll cut it's head off and bring it to junk so he can mount it on his wall.for the right price that is." then i continue upstairs.




R=meat cleaver



1 large table leg

3 vails of holy water

5 large vails of anti-poof(bought from bounty hunters-r-us before started)


player type: bounty hunter

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a couple bats show up. i give an angry look and say, "don't... TEMPT... ME!!!!!!!" they do anyway. then i cut them in half with mah handy-dandy meat cleaver. then i continue to find a dual pistol pack that was still not opened. i then found 10 hundred packs of pistol ammo.


L=fist(subject to change)

R=meat cleaver



1 large table leg

3 vails of potent holy water

1 large vail of anti-poof

2 pistols

1000 pistol ammo






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(note: this was before zerg king's post) i stood up against a wall as soon is i piced up 10 SMG clips lying on the ground. i tried to pick up the other ten but then the wall suddenly turned to reveal a dead licker on the ground, still there. i look around, then take my cleaver and cut it's head off and put it in my bounty bag for safekeeping untill later when i run into junk. i put mah cleaver back.


L=pistol(500 ammo)

R=pistol(500 ammo)


1 large table leg

3 vails of potent holy water

1 large vail of anti-poof

2 pistols

1000 pistol ammo



1 licker head

1 mounting board

1 sheet of golden plack

1 plack text carver

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  • 3 weeks later...

I find out that the licker i supossedly killed actually escaped with its life but i weakened it enogh that the next time i see it will die a painful death of doom, I run through the hallway smacking every zombie i see in the face with the blunt side of the machete to pull there attention i do an aerial move and land on the ground again and start fighting the mobs of creatures fighting me,END TURN


L=SMG(full clip)

Bag=8 smg clips

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i run over and grab the licker's head right out of Don Shadow's hand and put a clip a bullets through a common zombie that Don neglected to hit on his way to turn in the bounty of the licker's head. I say I will take that and you will not try that again now will you as i push him down a staircase that was 5 feet down and run with the head.

(new game i will amke pretty soon capture the head)


L=SMG(full clip)

Bag=7 smg clips

Licker Head

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i spot a broken board and rip it off the staircase to reveal a chain gun. i equip it and go after zerg. "YOU'RE NOT TAKING MAH BOUNTY!!!!!" i run after him with the chain gun in both hands(cuz it's big!).then i notice someone's behind me. it's some random person."survivor?" he nodded and gave me a bottle that looked like it had acid inside. "go into that room. there's someone i want you to meet." i went in, feeling suspicious. when i entered i saw a sleeping licker. then he closed the door behind me and locked it from the outside.the licker woke up."i hope the acid works!" i threw the bottle but it got bigger.(this is an upstairs dining room)



it was actually radiation.

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