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Zombie Outbreak


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Can I play? I saw eliteduelists laying on the ground when suddenly there were 2 common zombies all around me, But however I saw a meat clever then I hit the meat clobber on there heads followed by a kick in the stomach then I saw them fall to the ground as they screamed In..fec...t.

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WHOA!!!! Slow down people...Lightsworn eliteduelists tried to escape from the mansion so you wouldn't see him. I didn't approve your entry anyway and you can't do it like that you must go into detail but not too much detail.


Both of you are in but Lightworn you get a warning automatically for not following rules. blueeyes you are an 'average joe' not some warrior from an island. No offense.


I spot two people staring around the room but I ignore them and walk towards the mantlepiece and try to get the Winchester Rifle which is hung up as a trophy. On the mantelpiece is a box of ammo for said gun which I nab.


Teamwork is needed to get the gun. And we must share it once we do.


Left+Right Hands= Firewood Axe

Inventory= Winchester Ammo X 25

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Sorry, Alright then I walk slowly to the living room, ''That portrait is freaking me out I mean it has luminescent eyes staring at me!'' I thought in my head,

And oddly enough I saw something on the bookcase, And that object was a rusted crowbar, I picked it up and said ''This will come in handy!''.

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I choose whether you die or not BTW.


@lightsworn: As you pick up the Rusty Crowbar a Hellhound MKI jumps towards you

@blueeyes: You head towards the kitchen but a Hellhound MKI bursts through the door and mauls you. You Die.


Remember there is a Winchester Rifle above the mantelpiece BUT teamwork is needed to get it and it needs to be shared.


I pick up my Firewood Axe and turn over the dining table and hide behind it listening for Zombies and Hellhounds.


Left+Right Hand= Firewood Axe

Inventory: 25XWinchester Ammo

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I stared constantly at a portrait on the wall, "Wait a minute."It was elusive."That is made of fabrics.", I pulled the portrait of the wall and there lay two Thompson guns and ammo."Come on Syncron!"





Inventory=Thompson Ammo & Rusty Meat Cleaver.[/align]

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NO! I was already saved from the Common Zombie and I'm at the mantelpiece trying to get a Winchester Rifle. And you can't god-mod(control other people's chars.) I have an axe and I would've hacked at them. Also use these: ".


I manage to reach the Rifle and put it on my back while I wield the Firewood Axe. I then head towards the stairs.

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NO! I was already saved from the Common Zombie and I'm at the mantelpiece trying to get a Winchester Rifle. And you can't god-mod(control other people's chars.) I have an axe and I would've hacked at them. Also use these: ".


I manage to reach the Rifle and put it on my back while I wield the Firewood Axe. I then head towards the stairs.


Sorry' date=' I didnt see that, I won't do it again promise.[hr']


I'll be gone for 2 days im going camping so please dont kick me out.

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"Argh, son of a -----------" I said as it clawed my arm."Hasta la vista Idiot" I said as I shot it's head off."If you mess with the bull you get the horns!"







Rusty Meat Cleaver


Thompson Ammo Rounds x25[/align]

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Suddenly the mansion shook and the rubble blocking the stairs to the 1st Floor crumbled opening the way up.


Dark Heart dies.

.Lil Jevans. dies.

Dark Omega Cody dies.

and Arbyman17 dies.

All for not being active in 3 pages.


Monsters on the 1st floor:


-Common Zombie-Hits to kill: 5

-Hellhound MKI-Hits to kill:2

-Bat-Hits to kill:1


You can still go to the ground floor.


I venture up the stairs and signal for DD to follow

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Cowsmacker, there's a spare Cleaver near the stairs BTW.


@Cowsmacker: As you search a HellhoundMKI jumps up at you.


As I reach the top of the stairs a Bat tries to divebomb me. I bat(no pun intended) it way with the butt of my Rifle.


Left+Right: Winchester Rifle.

Inventory: 24 Winchester Ammo, Firewood Axe

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