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Is my new TC hotter than my old one?


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Old One is better.


5Ds logo STILL has red outline.

Konami logo is missing stroke

1996 logo is absent

Hatching should end just above the top of the tech circle

Outer glow on render is way too thick.

Double bottom bar should be one.

Effect on text is incorrect, actually on Crimson Crisis (for example) there is no pattern over the text.

Render in both versions doesn't take up enough of the booster

150 Logo and Konami logos need to be above hatching.

Bottom effect should not end so far from the bottom of the text

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Old One is better.


5Ds logo STILL has red outline.

Konami logo is missing stroke

1996 logo is absent

Hatching should end just above the top of the tech circle

Outer glow on render is way too thick.

Double bottom bar should be one.

Effect on text is incorrect' date=' actually on Crimson Crisis (for example) there is no pattern over the text.

Render in both versions doesn't take up enough of the booster

150 Logo and Konami logos need to be above hatching.

Bottom effect should not end so far from the bottom of the text



Konami logo /=/ white stroke...


Also, your dots look like you beveled them

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Old One is better.


5Ds logo STILL has red outline.

Konami logo is missing stroke

1996 logo is absent

Hatching should end just above the top of the tech circle

Outer glow on render is way too thick.

Double bottom bar should be one.

Effect on text is incorrect' date=' actually on Crimson Crisis (for example) there is no pattern over the text.

Render in both versions doesn't take up enough of the booster

150 Logo and Konami logos need to be above hatching.

Bottom effect should not end so far from the bottom of the text



Konami logo /=/ white stroke...


Also, your dots look like you beveled them


Actually it does have on both TCG and OCG.

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