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Check this ish out!

Daigo Youngin

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Here's some avatars I made for the forum I'm always on.





My first and only sig.




And I'm throwing this in here to show that I can also Draw.




So yeah I came upon this forum while searching for high quality Yu-gi-oh pictures, see I'm trying to make a Six Samurai mat, but I don't know where to get decent pictures of them, I was hoping ya'll could help me by linking me to some sites. Thanks!

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I don't think so...

He joined here with the same name as in the other forums...

Just searched because I had another strange Déjà vu D: my brain is slow T_T


ORLY, anyone could steal a name -_-

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Wow, how does FM6 know so much? And if you doubt me, you can ask people at Ininifty Mugen Team. It's a MUGEN forum, I've had a little shop there for the longest. Some of those up there are requests from those members, like the Mugen one for "That Mugen Guy" or the Morrigan one for "Ermac Won" and the Zero one is for my best online friend {Zr0}. Anyways, can you plz help me out by linking me to some good pics. All I really want to do is make a Yu-gi-oh mat. Maybe an avatar like the ones I posted with the Six Samurais.

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