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ooc:I'll post this, It's nowhere near complete-

[spoiler=Spellbook]Standard Spells-

Wingardiam Leviosa(Wing-guard-ie-um Lev-ie-ose-a)

Used to levitate light objects.


Moves an object towards the user.


Repairs a number of objects, some objects need to be more specific.


Sets an object on fire, or starts a fire.


Moves an object away from the user.

Duel-based spells-


Disarming charm, to releive an opponent of their wand.


Tickles the opponent, causing them to fly back.

Petrificus Totalos(Pet-triff-ick-us To-tal-us)

Paralizes the opponent, making them unable to move and their body is left in a frozen state.


Sends a ray that stuns and opponent, making them unable to move for a long time, simalar to 'Petrificus Totalus'.

Movement charms-

Wingardiam Leviosa(Wing-guard-ie-um Lev-ie-ose-a)

Used to levitate light objects.


A much more powerful form of 'Wingardium Leviosa', this spell is preformed by saying 'Locomoter' then the name of the object you are wanting to move, and the object will follow the user until the user wishes for it to stop.


ic:Kaisu looked up from his book, which was flying in front of his face.

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