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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5'Ds-Signer Dragon's Return(Started)(Need Old Signers and Dark Signers)

Super Chaos Sonic

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"How do you plan on doing that?" Zarkus asked with a bit of skepticism.

"What, take them out one at a time? Hit them when they least expect it?


Challenge them to a duel while they're in the middle of their internet porn time? And no, I dont know any of the Signers honestly... my mark hasn't really reacted to them."

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OoC: Zarkus(Nightmare Z.), Saizen(Hyyppa), Xander(X. Royce), Bebe(you), Hunter(YugiohPro) and Kairus(Rucario) are the Dark Signer's right now.


Saizen thought a moment but then strengtened his arm, pulling the sleeve off from in front of the mark. The mark of the Parrot glowed.

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IC: The woman's left arm started to glow as a Duel Disk appeared on it. The Disk had 5 fairy-like wings that had slots for cards along the edges, a red gem in the center of a gold-plated main component, and a light-blue bottom.

The burning sensation stopped as the Duel Disk's deck slot was filled.

"What the **** was that?!?" she exclaimed at the Duel Disk on her arm.

Ancient Fairy Dragon floated into her deck's Extra Deck slot.

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