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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5'Ds-Signer Dragon's Return(Started)(Need Old Signers and Dark Signers)

Super Chaos Sonic

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OoC: Where are all the other Dark Signer? I need company xD


Saizen's mark glew and burned him even more when he walked forward in the dark room. There were candle lights placed randomly so Saizen desided to grab one and continued to walk in the direction where he could sense or where the mark could sense... the presence of a another Signer. Was it another Dark Signer or could it be that those Signers from Earthbound Gods talks were just guiding him to a trap? Either way, Saizen decided to continue following his mark. He walked in the still dark hall like room. Candlelights helpped only a little, but still Saizen almost crashed on a door in front of him. His mark glowed so brightly that what or whoever was behind that door, there was someone with a glowing mark aswell.

He first waited a little, one breath, and opened the door.


OoC: I need someone to the room at the other side of the door xD

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OOC: It's great we're starting.


Zaphod looked down at his deck. His three signature cards were at the top of the deck. The top one was a Synchro monster. The monster was floating, and was a hooded creature.


"I wonder where everyone else is at," Zaphod said, getting up.


He put his deck up and walked off.

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