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95% of all the schools where I live do not teach any sort of foreign language whatsoever, except for French and sometimes Spanish. It sucks. You have to wait until you get to college or university for any sort of foreign language course.


I'd love to take Japanese in high school, but no school here offers it, or, at least not near me. I have to self-learn it from lessons on the Internet.

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No' date=' I waited 10 mins once, and the post still wasn't there. Most people, at least that I know, know about the page hider.[/b']


=/ Oh well. In my year and 4 months I've been here I've never heard of it.

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Je parle français

origato (spelling){i think} [ means hello' date= fi you can tell me the correct spelling]

I don't have to learn another language at school. But if I do it in 8th grade (you must do it in 7th for the 8th) You get some High School Credit. But I don't care. I'm smarticle enough.

fixed' date=' cna't take foreign languages until your freshmen year where i go to school.


In 6th grade, you have an option. Band, Orchestra, or Cultural Art, where you experience Dance, Art, Chorus, French, and Spanish. In 7th, you pick 2 of them to do. In 8th, you pick 3 of them, but now BCT (Computers) is now an option.

but if you chose Band or Orchestra in 7th, just those. Chose 1 of them in 8th, gotta pick 1 more. I chose Band and PC, cause I suck at everything else.

which instrument do/did you play? i play trumpet. MARCHING BAND STINKS! takes up most of the day, IN SUMMER!(at my school) and i'm sore after.


except for French and sometimes Spanish.

that's all you can take your freshmen year at my school' date=' not sure about sophmore, etc.[/b']


I'd love to take Japanese in high school,

think that would be cool, my school doesn't have a japanese class.


It'd be willing to learn Japanese' date=' for the sole purpose of buying Japanese video games.[/b']

^ this reason and so if i ever go to japan (yeh right) i can understand them


In my Year and 3 months I have. I experience it.

Tiger' date=' I expect you like Tigers......I know what I'm making for you for your birthday.[/b']

i've been here less than that and experienced it twice or more.
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