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~~!!-Dynamic Duelists-!!~~You know you wanna join ^_-

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If we're talking about elementdragondivine, he deserved to be banned from the Naruto Organization. He was generally being out of control and disruptive, even with numerous attempts to warn him. He didn't stop, and I personally had enough, so I got him removed. End of story.


His apology to me via PM wasn't that polite, either.

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...Well...I didnt hear that. Here's his story


"Well first I was just trying to help figure out some ideas for the RP and Mia got pissed, ^+^ gave me a warning WTF??? So then I asked her why people were sucking up to her and she said people will soon copy her and well be all happy. So then I replyed, and they all lived happily ever after yay! ^_^. She said you ruined the moment. And then she said she would put up ballot to have me banned from the Club. And then ^+^ banned me. What an adventure."

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It's more like:


"Well first, I was trying to contribute some ideas for the RP, but after making lots of stupid ideas and having several people tell me to stop, Mia got pissed, and ^+^ gave me a warning. I then asked her why people were sucking up to her, but that was totally unrelated, and it was a completely separate topic altogether about how much people love Mia. She talked about if people loved her, people will start to copy the idea in her siggy, and then everybody will be happy. Then, I said a completely sarcastic comment, and Mia said I ruined the moment. I continued to spam and say random stuff, ignoring the warning, and eventually got banned by ^+^. What an adventure."

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How so, my friend?


@LLD: What kinda stuff? It ain't, like, Birds and Bees stuff, is it? 'Cause it's too late for that....

And if it's about that "stuff" my parents smoke, I don't partake...

And if it's, like... Stuffed animals.... Well, I could get on board with that, stuffed animals are awesome...



Sorry, I feel a tad bit random right now.

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