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Underrated card of the now: Scapegoat

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Guest PikaPerson01



If you activate this card, you cannot Summon other monsters this turn. Special Summon 4 "Sheep Tokens" (Beast-Type/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position. The "Sheep Tokens" cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon (or Set).


On the upside, it's chainable, blocks up to 4 attacks, and can be handy for Synchro Summons, if you are so inclined.


On the downside, all the tokens have going for them is 0/0 1 star.



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Guest PikaPerson01

it is a good card. people are just too fascinated with their shiny-new Blackwings to worry about it.


None of the worthwhile Blackwings are shiny though.

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Even though "lolkonami" is obviously the answer, I still want to know why this is still at 1. As far as I know, it was only sent there because of Goat Control format, but even then it wasn't even close to the most important element, and every single other major element is in the Forbidden section anyhow - is Konami worried that more copies of this could be recycled by Magician of Faith and transformed via Metamorphosis into Thousand-Eyes Restrict, which can then have its monster-eating effect recycled via Tsukuyomi?

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Usually, your bound to have at least 2-3 of these tokens still standing until your next turn. Its an easy way for getting a Level 5-7 Synchro if your running a Level 3-4 Tuner. It depends how you use it really. But it should make its way off the list, its not OP at all

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I thought you had to send monsters to the grave to synchro summon so u cant use the 4 sheep(s)


You raise a good point, but using monsters for a Synchro Summon technically isn't sending them to the Graveyard, just using them for a Synchro Summon. You're not Tributing them or sending them to the Graveyard, but merely "Tuning" them.

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With BWs being the most popular decktype now, and most good BW decks running at least 2 of Bora, this should be at 2-3 per deck. At least move it from 1 to 2. (My BW deck only runs 2 of bora, and it has gotten 2nd once and 3rd once. I only run 1 Armed Wing, and none of Armor Master. (I don't own one)

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