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Shadows of the Apocalypse

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this is my deck.

whats everyone think???


i havnt run it yet. any ideas as to adds n drops???




Caius, The Shadow Monarch

Gorz, Emmisary of Darkness

Dark Ruler Ha Des

Doom Shaman

Dark Necrofear


Slate Warrior x3

Goblin Elite Attack Force x3

Archfiend Soldier x2

Newdoria x2

Exiled force x2

Mask of Darkness

Spirit Reaper

Evil Hero Infernal Gainer

Night Assailant


Morphing Jar

Breaker The Magical Warrior



Hammer Shot x2

Allure of Darkness

Mystical Space Typhoon

Swords of Revealing Light


Monster Reborn

Tribute to the Doomed

Book of Moon

Smashing Ground

Heavy Storm

Nobleman of Crossout

Brain Control

Lightning Vortex

Giant Trunade



Sakuretsu Armor x3

Bottomless Trap Hole x3

Ultimate Offering

Torrential Tribute

Mirror Force

Magic Cylinder

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You run waaaay too many traps for Jinzo to help, he will be your undoing, and your traps need a complete redo anyways


-2 Jinzo

+2 Caius


- entire traps

+3 Roars

+3 Bribes

+1 Mirror Force

+1 Torrential



Now that ive advised, NOOOOOOB! for playing cylinder, WHO THE ****! Just NO! anyways, hope I helped :D

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like you used that as your quote.


threatening roar is useless. it buys you a turn. i prefur my 3 sakuretsu armor


and dark bribe isnt awful, i can see myself running it but it isnt something id use in my deck.


and leave MC alone. i love that card. it was my 2nd really rare card after dark necrofear and its helped me alot.


but yea the point of my deck is to destroy things. sakuretsu, bottomless, torrential, and mirror force all support this. ceasfire and the spell absorbing life are tenetive, but they solve the problem of face down cards. and ultimate offering just makes it so i can play on par with the speed of synchros.


i appreciate the advice tho :D

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