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Stardust Dragon/Awesome Style

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Assault modes are garb.


x3 Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode

x1 Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode


x3 Gravekeeper's Spy

x3 Rose Warrior of Revenge

x2 Summoner Monk

x2 Mystic Tomato

x2 Assault Beast

x1 Snipe Hunter

x1 Blackwing - Gale The Whirlwind

x1 Cyber Dragon



x2 Allure Of Darkness

x2 Mind Control

x1 Assault Teleport

x1 Lighting Vortex

x1 Heavy Storm

x1 Giant Trunade

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Smashing Ground

x1 Magical Mallet



x3 Assault Mode Activate

x3 Bottomless Trap Hole

x2 Solemn Judgement

x1 Mirror Force

x1 Torrential Tribute



Extra Deck(92)

x3 Stardust Dragon

x1 Red Dragon Archfiend

x2 Dark Strike Fighter

x1 X-Saber Urbellum

x1 Colossal Fighter

x1 Goyo Guardian

x1 Black Rose Dragon

x1 Gaia whatever his name is

x2 Arcanite Magician

x1 Blackwing Armed Wing

x1 Ally Of Justice - Shananigans (Catastor)

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Why do you have X-Saber Airbellum in the extra deck? Did you mean X-Saber Urbellum? btw you might want to use a Blackwing Armor Master.

yes I meant to put urbellum. Thanks for pointing that out. I really don't care about which Blackwing Synchros I put in the extra deck' date=' they really don't matter in this deck.

Roar is at 3 or none, as the pro's at this site use to say.


Doesn't Armed Wing require a Blackwing Tuner and a Blackwing non-Tuner? Or am I messing up Armed Wing and Armored Wing?

What should I replace Roar with? (I don't want 3 Roars)

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