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cat synchro???

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why is this considered good when the otk is really hard to get???

u need a heavy or trunade, a brain or mind, a summoner monk, and 2 more spells for the otk(and u need 1 monk, 1 cat, and 2 x saber air in your deck still)...also in my opinion the deck looks slow with just pot of A. for a draw engine????

...what are ur opinions on the deck???

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My opinion: GTFO NAO plOx. :P

(Take out your sig from Mybannermaker.com) ;)


what happens to be wrong with my awesome banner

It's an ok deck. Blackwings are more fun though.

And an otk there is not as hard as you would think.


maybe...i may try blackwings my self later i only need 1 card lol

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Moved to TCG.


Also' date=' you are vastly exaggerating the OTK's difficulty. All you really need is Summon Priest (a single card) and any two Spells (which is ridiculously easy); the rest is just for field clearing.



hmmm...maybe now that u put it that way...just need those minds and brain

...also thx for moving this thread...general said anything so u know lol:lol:

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but you only get 2 synchros?

how can you otk with that?


still its a bit of a broked combo :P


Are you joking?

If not: Summon Monk > SS another Monk > SS Kitty Kat > SS 2x Airbellum > Synchro into 2x DSF > Attack for 5200 > Tribute the 2 DSF for 2800 > 5200+2800 = 8000 > ???? > Profit


It's only a 3 card OTK and it requires any 2 spells so you can easily add a card to clear the field without making the combo bad.



but you only get 2 synchros?

how can you otk with that?


still its a bit of a broked combo :P

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