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=-=-=-=Interdimensional Fic=-=-=-=


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Season 1, Episode 1: Interdimensional Rift


Once in a land of untold war and poverty, Jaden Yuki, former student of Duel Academia, was living in a desolate village outside of Osaki, Japan. The war had gotten far out of hands from the wars, nuclear weapons, religious fights over who owns what, and so forth. Jaden was now 40 years old, his dueling spirit gone, and him like the others where where very poor. His old cards from the card game, Duel Monsters, where buried far away from Jaden, where he could not see and mourn to play again. Both of his parents had passed away and the only friend he had was Syrus Trusdale, an old budy from the Duel Academia.


In this poverity ridden land, the only food supply was a small store, with bread, candy, and water. This small mart was robbed frequently, but the owners of the mart where the richest in the whole village. Making enough money a day to come to Ozaki and trade for supplys.


Back to Jaden, he was on his way to the mart when suddenly a man of tall stature and relativly nice cloths jumped in front of him. This was odd for Jaden as he didn't know of anyone that could afford cloths like that, not even the mart owner. Jaden thought this was a westener that was here to "Help" the poverished. The man then said in a deep voice, "what is your name, sir?". Jaden was getting catious and stuttered, "J-Jaden Yuki...". The man stepped towards Jaden, "oh really? Well you have to come with me then....you deserve better than this". Jaden was confused now as a westerner was actually asking him to come with him. Jaden was starving, needed a family, and this might just be his chance. "Umm....may I ask why?" Jaden asked. "Well for one, you do not deserve this, as I said earlier, and two, I can give you the help you need, and maybe even bring you back to the United States to live a happy unpoverished life." The man said.


Jaden finally aggreed to go with the man and was about to ask his name when suddenly, everthing stopped........





It was quite silent, the man had dissapeared, and Jaden was now frightned........then suddenly, a flash of light came over the horizon and ingulfed Jaden.....






"W-w-where am I?" Jaden whispered as he got up and looked around at the oasis type place. He then remembered something, this is the same place he had burried his cards. Jaden started weeping, remembering all the good times he had with his friends and his deck. Another thing he had burried along with his cards was his old Academia Duel Disk, which was broken at the time that he burried it.


I will post more of this episode tommorow XP

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