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OMG Timmy LOOK! A deck Ive never seen before with a really long name. Lets go look at it and NOT comment! C'mon!

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I call this deck вода Beast

First thing First. вода is Russian for "Water" (no i don't speak it, i used apple's translator. IDK why chose Russian, I just did, and I like the way it came out.)


The next thing you need to know to understand the deck is this.



Divine Protection of the Ocean Dragon God


Until the End Phase of this turn, all face-up level 3 or lower WATER monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects.



Okay, how cool is that?! Just the thing Glad beast needs with Bestiari at one. So now lets capitalize! This is just a suggestion, I play tested it like crazy, and it works pretty good.


Monsters: 20

3x Test Tiger

3x Murmillo

3x Retiari

2x Secutor

2x Rescue Cat

2x Nightmare Penguin (My twist, works pretty good too.)

1x Samnite

1x Laquari

1x Beastiari

1x Esquity

1x Darius


Traps: 14

3x Solemn

3x War Chariot

3x Divine Protection of the Ocean Dragon God

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential

1x Waboku

1x Trap Dust shoot

1x Spiritual Watter Art


Spells: 6

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Brain Control

1x Proving Ground

1x Salvage

1x Book of Moon


This caught all my friends off guard. DPotOCG is just broke.

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Looks really bad.


No offense, but with multiple copies of Murmillo and Retiari you are bound to draw into them more. Other than DPotOG, you are running very little protection to keep them alive, and their weak stats mean they have to run into defense position monster, unless you have DPotOG or that one book of moon.


Nightmare penguin doesn't really help push Murmillo or Retiari into killing stuff. I mean even with two of them on the field, Murmillo pumps up to a measly 1200 and Retiari goes up a midly good 1600.


2 Rescue Cats, with only 1 Samnite means you have to grab a Test Tiger, which is bad. Meaning if you run out Tigers or Samnite hits the grave, then Cat is going to be dead.


2 Secutor also increases the ability to draw dead. With only 400 attack, not being able to tag out by itself, it is going to hurt a lot more. 1 is still questionable, but understandable.


Spiritual Water Art- Aoi is also questionable. Running 1 copy is strange, and it doesn't help you overcome a stronger board, something Glad's today are having trouble with already.


Salvage is meh.


Book of Moon at one?


I'm sorry, the idea is okay, but the execution is meh, at best.

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Yes you do?


Looks... Interesting. Does it actually work?

It does work' date=' the main idea is to get Secutor out as fast as possible, rescue catting 2 test tiggers isn't a bad thing since ill always have a face up retiari or a Murmillo. I usualy test a murmillo for murmilo to clear the way for my secutor and reck with Double retiari (wreck!) or the usual Gyz move or Herk move. Once I herk, im pretty much set.

Until the End Phase of this turn, all face-up level 3 or lower WATER monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects.


I'm not sure on Retiari's lvl, but you have 2-3 things to protect with Divine Protection.

Retiari is level 3, so i have 6 monsters that have an upgraded waboku.

Looks really bad.


No offense' date=' but with multiple copies of Murmillo and Retiari you are bound to draw into them more.[/quote']

Thats the point. o.O Before you go and say its bad, get a better understanding of the deck first. Its engine is completly different from and other glad beast deck out, so don't try to compare them.

Other than DPotOG, you are running very little protection to keep them alive, and their weak stats mean they have to run into defense position monster,
Um... have you never seen a glad beast deck? All we wanna attack for the most part is Def monsters. That becomes a guarented tag. Also, this deck is a monster rape, ill be attacking for 800 directly 9 times out of 10.
unless you have DPotOG or that one book of moon.


Nightmare penguin doesn't really help push Murmillo or Retiari into killing stuff. I mean even with two of them on the field, Murmillo pumps up to a measly 1200 and Retiari goes up a midly good 1600.

1600 is more than enough for a wreck, and it also helps me to remove troublesome S/T's so I can attack directly. Also don't forget, penguin goes up to for more attack, and if I use book on it, thats another bounce. I also main Salvage so i can wreck more.


2 Rescue Cats, with only 1 Samnite means you have to grab a Test Tiger, which is bad.
You loose any and all credit that I had. Im not worried about my cats ever becoming dead. Ill throw it away with herk if that happens.
Meaning if you run out Tigers or Samnite hits the grave, then Cat is going to be dead.

This is a scare every glad deck faces, should it not be ran at all?


2 Secutor also increases the ability to draw dead. With only 400 attack, not being able to tag out by itself, it is going to hurt a lot more. 1 is still questionable, but understandable.

The idea is to wreck, with 3 solemn, mirror force, book of moon, and waboku im not worried. Besides, its still a chariot aid.


Spiritual Water Art- Aoi is also questionable. Running 1 copy is strange, and it doesn't help you overcome a stronger board, something Glad's today are having trouble with already.
SWA is for Dustshoot assistance, and salvage assistance. I mainly use it on my Nightmare penguin so that I can reuse it. The deck can't main crush, so this is how I wreck.


Salvage is meh.


Book of Moon at one?


I'm sorry, the idea is okay, but the execution is meh, at best.


The execution is in its beta form, it has yet to prove its worth, im simply trying to seek advice on how to make it solid.

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You really have no idea how Gladiators work as a whole, or what troubles them do you?


The standard Rescue Glads, which is probably the most consistent version of Glads, still have troubles overcoming big plays itself.


Saying that "Lawl I will attack F/Ds to keep my engine up" to put it mildly is retarded. How many sets are this format...lets count. Ryko, summoner monk...uh Hoplomus...Sangan...necro gardna...and plague? Three of which will be CCV'd. My bad, I forgot that there are 3-4 monsters that will be set for you to exploit.


Nightmare penguin is far inferior to LJM, as LJM takes away momentum better and more often the Nightmare Penguin. Giving the attack boost is pretty meaningless. lets take a look at what it helps you get over...Uh 2 of them help you suicide Retiari into Ehren, Rose,Warrior of Revenge, uh what else...Equeste. Have fun running over Lyla, Garoth, Bora, Shura, Laquari, Darius, Sirroco, any synchro(assuming you don't get OTK'd by BW), Wulf, Jain, Celestia, Stratos. Oh wait, use your 1 book of moon to slow down these decks by 1 monster.


Okay, throw away one of the best cards this format, because you want to dead draws. 2 Samnite are important because 1 Samnite can easily be destroyed, which takes away the power from Rescue Cat. 2 Samnites assures you the toolbox Gladiator Beasts need.


2 Secutor is really bad. Increases your dead draws. 1 is plenty.


Hand control is understandable, but 1 SWAA is meaningless, just a random Confiscation, that you will rarely see.


Herakilinos isn't important as it used to be. There are too many ways to get around it today. Only 1 Laqauri means if you meet a BTH, bye bye your deck's "strength" Secutor goes face down or you draw it? Damn, now people get to run over you.


If it works, then run it, I'm just pointing out weaknesses.

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