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Cyber Barrier Dragon

Cyber Dragon

Cyber Kirin

Cyber Laser Dragon

Cyber Phoenix

Heavy Mech Support Platform x2

Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite x3

Proto-Cyber Dragon x3

Cyber Ogre x2


Fusion Monsters

Chimeratech Overdragon

Cyber End Dragon x2

Cyber Twin Dragon

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon



Battle Fusion

Card from a Different Dimension

Creature Swap

Cybernetic Fusion Support

De-Fusion x2

Different Dimension Capsule

Future Fusion

Limiter Removal

Machine Duplication

Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon

Overload Fusion

Photon Generator Unit


Power Bond x2

Ruthless Denial

Time Fusion

Trap Booster



Attack Reflector Unit

Threatening x3

Mirror Force x2


I threw this deck together in a couple of minutes.

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Anime Character decks suck. This one's no exception. You also have a lot of Anime-only cards. Can I list them for you?


Battle Fusion

Cybernetic Fusion Support

Time Fusion


I'm sure I missed a few.


Also, Mirror Force is LIMITED.


Please try again so you don't get flamed.

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Cyber Barrier Dragon

^Stopped reading right there^


Wow' date=' this is pretty impressive for a cyber deck. Nice Job.




Anime Character decks suck. This one's no exception.

^The ONLY Anime-Charactor decks that are of ANY real use, are Aster, Atticus, and 'Supreme King'(Look, he uses Dark Gaia. its an OTK)


And for the record, TC's deck just looks like its a Copy+Paste from the lolwiki :/

Half the cards dont even exist >_______>

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