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Diva Macro Monarch

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19| Monsters


3| Caius the Shadow Monarch

2| Raiza the Storm Monarch


3| Deep Sea Diva

2| Mermaid Archer

2| D.D. Scout Plane

2| D.D. Survivor

1| Breaker the Magical Warrior

2| Summoner Monk

2| Rose, Warrior of Revenge


12| Spells


1| Foolish Burial

3| Dimensional Fissure

3| Creature Swap

1| Heavy Storm

1| Brain Control

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Reinforcement of the Army

1| Soul Exchange


10| Traps


2| Macro Cosmos

3| Reckless Greed

3| Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1| Crush Card Virus

1| Torrential Tribute


15| Extra Deck



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