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Um well what u 2 wanna do is the 3 steps


1. create a card and send it 2 Obsidian

2. Send your created deck 2 him with a certain archeotype like Crystal Beast, Volcanic, etc like a certain strategy

3. then u gave 2 download YVD and duel Obsidian, Kira or me


After that u get graded on how well u created card is, how good the deck u sent in would do in a real duel, and how you did in your registration duel

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Dam i would but like in 2 hours cause i am not home i am using my IPhone and ofcourse i dont have YVD on here, DNova u just gained some points for ur recruiting, pus u brought our first.......NVM i wont say but good job and make sure u 2 do the first 2 steps and when u are ready for 3 just say and i'll duel u.

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Everyone, I apologize to all that I forgot to accept/update/etc......


This club is tireing me out. Now I understand how legendhiro must've felt with all of us there. If I forgot ANYTHING, please PM it to me. I'll try my best not to funk up this time.


On top of that, I have a fever right now -_- So i'm very forgetful.


@haptism - Great job on the new banner. Thank you.

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Hope ya feel better.


Perhaps it'd be easier if we kept our record and then after 5 official matches we'd send them to you. so your not doing it every single time?


BTW, question. If your opponent used Starudust's ability to stop say ... black hole. And now say i use monster reborn to bring back Stardust. Does that cancel out Stardust's 2nd abilty of returning to my opponent.


BTW#2, anyone wanna set up a duel time?

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I'll help what you need to do first is make a costom card, then you make a deck, then you start up yvd and find dark or kira do give you a entrance duel. For how to download ask darkhorse or someone.

O >.> my deck is not posted (will forgive him cus he has a fever) make it up to me duel me

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Everyone' date=' I apologize to all that I forgot to accept/update/etc......


This club is tireing me out. Now I understand how legendhiro must've felt with all of us there. If I forgot ANYTHING, please PM it to me. I'll try my best not to f*** up this time.


On top of that, I have a fever right now -_- So i'm very forgetful.


@haptism - Great job on the new banner. Thank you.


i hope you get better man

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barely anything. I was on my second turn. We were both trying to get out our lead dragons. I tried to use dark grepher to send a card in my hand to the grave and also send nepthys to my grave from my deck. Then i was gonna use monster reborn to bring out Nepthys and destroy his facedowns. But darkhorse countered and negated grepher's ability and destroyed him. But I could still summon DAD since grepher made 3. I was in the process of removing a card from play to destroy dark's other facedown and it said timeout error. Yet the longest we were on for was like barely 3 minutes and we were never inactive for more than like 20 seconds.

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