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for you :*Cyber~KaiserX*:. ...(and anyone else that still don't have it)





also I didn't understood what you tell in your last post.

Thanks and what do you mean when i said discussion. If so, then i was talking about that discussion between Max C. and O.


Also, if your monster equips a monster that is already equipped with another monster, does that count has taking 2 S/T zones in the 5-card limit S/T zones or only 1 zone?

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I'm updating new Registrations now. FINALLY. So be patient.


Also, I think YVD uses about 15MB which...compared to most harddrives, is not even a scratch to it's memory.

You know, I can't believe it.




Wanna know why?!!


Because I recieved Step 3 for some people, but not Steps 1 or 2 and vice versa!


Why the hell was I being dogged to accept people when registrations weren't even funking finished?!


Ugh....anyway, welcome burnpsy, Sonicyellow, and Cuckoo to Ancient Fairy Yellow.

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I think the already equipped monster is destroyed... Either way' date=' it should only take one... Also, he meant this post most likely...



Does any1 know how many MB or GB YVD takes

Oh ok. And thanks for that information


EDIT: I don't remember any1 with the name Cuckoo posting here. Hmm looks like he was one of them that waited b4 posting.

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can i get some help on my Valkyrion/Rock deck?



[spoiler=Monsters:23]3|Dor|Alpha The Magnet Warrior

3|Dor|Beta The Magnet Warrior

3|Dor|Gamma The Magnet Warrior

2|Sdd|Valkyrion The Magna Warrior


1|Tlm|Megarock Dragon

1|Fet|Golem Sentry

1|Ast|Legendary Jujitsu Master

3|Tp4|Giant Rat

1|Ston|Raging Earth

1|Tdgs|Big Piece Golem

2|Lon|The Rock Spirit


[spoiler=Spells:6]1|Sdj|Monster Reborn

1|Mrd|Heavy Storm

1|Tlm|Brain Control

2|Mrd|Shield and Sword

1|Sye|Mystical Space Typhoon



and i haven't done traps yet, but it will include the usual staple.

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Fine but why Valkyrion:/


There haven't been many Duel Records for you Felix. Grading is based on Duel Records. If they aren't reported' date=' you don't move up.



Thanks but just so we're on the same page; DNova, Kira, Kari and Insert have been dealt with swiftly and repeatedly. A couple of them on my 1st turn.

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Fine but why Valkyrion:/


There haven't been many Duel Records for you Felix. Grading is based on Duel Records. If they aren't reported' date=' you don't move up.



Thanks but just so we're on the same page; DNova, Kira, Kari and Insert have been dealt with swiftly and repeatedly.

i always post my duels [especaily the fails, because i always fail]

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Fine but why Valkyrion:/


There haven't been many Duel Records for you Felix. Grading is based on Duel Records. If they aren't reported' date=' you don't move up.



Thanks but just so we're on the same page; DNova, Kira, Kari and Insert have been dealt with swiftly and repeatedly.


I only dueled you once, I believe...

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Alright so I just got back into the game after having a 3-4 year hiatus' date=' and I wanted to create a Valkyrion deck just for kicks and giggles. I may take this deck into tournaments, so I value your insight on helping me create a better deck.


Valkyrion Deck (Advanced Format) Updated June 27, 2008


4 Star & Lower Monsters: (9)

2x Alpha the Magnet Warrior

3x Beta the Magnet Warrior

2x Gamma the Magnet Warrior

2x Gene Warped Warwolf


5-6 Star Monsters: (0)



7+ Stars Monsters: (4)

2x Evil Hero Malicious Edge

2x Valkyrion the Magna Warrior


Magic: (14)

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Monster Reborn

1x Fissure

1x Brain Control

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Premature Burial

2x Terraforming

2x Gaia Power

2x Dark Calling or Dark Fusion

2x Heart of the Underdog


Trap: (9)

2x Trap Hole

2x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Seven Tools of the Bandit

1x Dust Tornado

1x Magic Jammer

1x Waboku

1x Judgment of Anubis


Fusion: (2)

2x Evil Hero Dark Gaia


Total # (Main Deck): 36I still have at least 4 more cards to add, and I'm willing to go up to 45 total cards. I have 3 full sets of the Magnet Warrior/Valkyrion family, but I'm not sure if I should dedicate 12 cards of my deck to only those monsters. I suppose I can throw in 3x Giant Rat, but I don't have any at the moment. I have 3 Trap Holes and 3 Sakuretsu Armors in my collection, so I can add one more of each if you think I should do so. Also what other magic and trap cards will I need, so that I can take into account other popular decks at tournaments? Thanks for your feedback! Subcontinental86 04:42, 27 June 2008 (UTC)


remove the Sangan. he's too slow. instead, add one or two Heart of the Underdog to increase your drawing power and Two-Man Cell Battle for field advantage. Cybertwin 05:46, 27 June 2008 (UTC)


if you add some fiends and Dark Calling you could use Evil Hero Dark Gaia216.101.109.210 12:11, 27 June 2008 (UTC)


Is there any advantage to using Dark Calling over Dark Fusion? I will take the advice to add 2x Heart of the Underdog, but I'm not so sure about adding the Two-Man Cell Battle at the moment. Also would adding 2-3x Evil Hero Malicious Edge be a good idea? I think he would be great to summon to the field with his effect as well as using him for Evil Hero Dark Gaia. I will remove the Sangan. Subcontinental86 22:29, 27 June 2008 (UTC)


Dark Calling is better because you can use the grave and keep your advantage 00:09, 28 June 2008 (UTC)


Yes, but then I don't get protection from targeting card effects such as Magic Cylinder. I figure that since I'll be playing at a tournament, it might be best if I could attack without having to worry about that. Should I use Dark Calling coupled with Royal Decree to protect myself then?Subcontinental86 00:16, 28 June 2008 (UTC)




Retrieved from http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Forum:Valkyrion_Deck


The "UTC" shows the end of a Post. By the way Robots, your avatar is awesome.

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