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Project Completion


Expanding Land Over All of Vulgaria (My planet)- 80% Completed


Researching For Weapons- 60% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 60%


Researching for new Technology- 44% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 43% Completed


New Info


Mandicavia Anthem- Waking up in Vegas- Katy Perry


Mandicavia Enemies - None right now, u don't want to be on this list


Project Completion


Expanding Land Over All of Vulgaria (My planet)- 100% Completed


Researching For Weapons- 80% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 80%


Researching for new Technology- 64% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 63% Completed


New Info


Mandicavia Anthem- Waking up in Vegas- Katy Perry


Mandicavia Enemies - None right now, u don't want to be on this list

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Scientific research : Superfluid Glass 1 COMPLETED

Perfect Optic Microscopes 2 months left


Military research : Wireless Microwave Emission 3 weeks left


Economy : Trading fish and petrol to the Mexicans for money and bread


Income : Back to the original economy. Small growth.


Land expansion : None at the moment 0 seconds


Base expansion: Airplane Carrier for allies 9 months




by the way gamemaster you forgot to add me in the third world

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um ok hey didn't make it to the hospital in time you just PMed me this morning so what is the plot about?????? seems fishy to me.


Project Completion




Researching For Weapons- 85% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 85%


Researching for new Technology- 69% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 68% Completed


New Info


Mandicavia Anthem- Waking up in Vegas- Katy Perry


Mandicavia Enemies - None right now, u don't want to be on this list

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It's been a while since I've posted here so....


Medical Resurce 6-7 years 4 months to compleate


Military Project= Cruiser Battle Ships 2-4 years and 4 months to compleate


Country Project = Air and Land Deffenses 2-4 years and 4 months to compleate


Technology Reserch compleate in 11 months


Blood Stone expansion 4 years 4 months to fully compleate

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Scientific research : Superfluid Glass 1 COMPLETED

Perfect Optic Microscopes 1 month left


Military research : Wireless Microwave Emission COMPLETED

Resonance Research 6 months left


Economy : Trading petrol and our superfluid glass to the mexicans for money


Income : Medium growth. Petrol loss.


Land expansion : Building 100 square meters of land every day (real time) 0 seconds.


Base expansion: Airplane Carrier for allies 8 months

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Project Completion


Researching For Weapons- 90% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 90%


Researching for new Technology- 74% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 73% Completed


New Info


Mandicavia Anthem- Waking up in Vegas- Katy Perry


Mandicavia Enemies - None right now, u don't want to be on this list

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Country name1:Golundo

Country's Name2:Thul



Economy1:down the toilet


Population:aprox. 187,893,900

Civilians: Orcs, half orcs, goblin's, ogres and trolls

Troop Number:99,412,541

Ruler:Grokk, dah masta (baligin)

Government Type:Dictatorship

Currency:gold, human slaves, food

What is Your Country Type? Brutish, wants to fight and kill humies

Military Technologies:medievalish Catapults, rams, ballista's battle rhino's for vehicles

Alliances:Darvokia (dark elf nation), Malicor (demonic cult clan) (hill giants)


Extra Information:goblins are treated like pets.

Sports: Bash ball ( ike brutish soccer with a spikey ball and fouling is legal)

Land/Planet You Are Claiming:Earth, Kartholia

Did You Take This Land/Planet By Force?:yes

Is This Land/Planet Fictional?:one of them

kartholia is a small planet with various alien races and lots of murder earth is.. well you know earth is still being fought for.

the orks like to steal technology from humans so watch out!!!

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um baligan you need to chose what part of earth



Researching For Weapons- 100% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 100%


Researching for new Technology- 84% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 83% Completed


New Info


Mandicavia Anthem- Waking up in Vegas- Katy Perry


Mandicavia Enemies - None right now, u don't want to be on this list

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Country's Name: Petopia

Capital: Black Rose


Population: 5M

Civilians: Humans/2% Dragons

Troop Number:7,200

Ruler: Me

Government Type:democary

Currency: Flower Petals

What is Your Country Type? Neutral

Military Technologies:2007 milatary tech

Country’s Motto: We hate no Man.

Planet: Petaplanet <<<<<<<

Area: Eastern Hemispere of ^

Made Up Planet: Yes

Extra Information: Seriously, don't mess with our Force. We have 3 Dragons.

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Country's Name: Akilavijiva

Capital: Retuylop


Population: 6mil

Civilians: Mostly Humans 60%- Elfs 32 %-Dwarfs 8%

Troop Number: 450 Thousand

Ruler: .:.:HBK:.:.

Government Type:Democary

Currency: Cretals

Area: hangin with Haiawi

What is Your Country Type? Neutral

Military Technologies:2009 Tech

Country’s Motto: Friends are better than Enemys but if you have enemys you have reasons to fire missiles

Extra Information:meh

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Scientific research : Superfluid Glass 1 COMPLETED

Perfect Optic Microscopes COMPLETED

DNA quantification 1 year



Military research : Wireless Microwave Emission COMPLETED

Resonance Research 5 months left



Economy : Trading fish for petrol with the Americans.


Income : No growth, no loss. Petrol increasing.


Land expansion : Building 100 square meters of land every day (real time) 0 seconds. (currently 200 square meters)


Base expansion: Airplane Carrier for allies 7 months

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Scientific research : Advanced Locking systems on Populations Buildings

8 months - 1%


Military research : EMP Grenades that deal sonic damage

4-6 Years -1%


Economy : Giving assorted foods to India/Tailand/Mexico in excange for Workers


Income : Going steady


Land expansion : 50 Square feet Day (Real time aswell)


Base expansion: Mounted Macine guns on all Military Vehicles - 4 months

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Researching for new Technology- 89% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 88% Completed


New Info


Mandicavia Anthem- Waking up in Vegas- Katy Perry


Mandicavia Enemies - None right now, u don't want to be on this list

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Scientific research : Superfluid Glass 1 COMPLETED (grade 1)

Perfect Optic Microscopes COMPLETED (grade 2)

DNA quantification 1 week (grade 3)



Military research : Wireless Microwave Emission COMPLETED (grade 1)

Resonance Research 4 months left (grade 2)



Economy : Trading fish for petrol with the Americans.


Income : Tiny growth. Petrol increasing.


Land expansion : Building 100 square meters of land every day (real time) 0 seconds. (currently 400 square meters)


Base expansion: Airplane Carrier for allies 6 months

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Country's Name:kirionas




Civilians: human and 1 alien(professer Clirdrin)

Troop Number:120

Ruler:Professer Clirdrin

Government Type:toughest rules


What is Your Country Type? aggressive

Military Technologies:rifles and grenades

Country’s Motto:survival of the fittest

Extra Information: its made of survivors of a radiation blast meaning much stronger troops


Country Name:gearos

Land/Planet You Are Claiming:girion

Did You Take This Land/Planet By Force?:yes

Is This Land/Planet Fictional?:yes, its a junkyard planet full of scrap.


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Researching for new Technology- 100% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 100% Completed


New Info


Mandicavia Anthem- Waking up in Vegas- Katy Perry


Mandicavia Enemies - None right now, u don't want to be on this list

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Country's Name:kirionas




Countries Income per Year:?

Countries Total Spending per Year:?


Current Projects:searching through junk

Other Information:leader turned an old v5 fighter into 2 experimental droids

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Country Name: Akilavijiva

Land/Planet You Are Claiming: Mertu

Did You Take This Land/Planet By Force?:no

Is This Land/Planet Fictional?:yees

If it is fictional, please provide 1-2 sentences of information about this land/planet.

This is an odd planet about 30000 km away from earth

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Scientific research : Superfluid Glass 1 COMPLETED (grade 1)

Perfect Optic Microscopes COMPLETED (grade 2)

DNA quantification COMPLETED (grade 3)

DNA modification 2 years 2 months (grade 4)



Military research : Wireless Microwave Emission COMPLETED (grade 1)

Resonance Research 3 months left (grade 2)



Economy : Trading fish for petrol with the Americans.


Income : Tiny growth. Petrol 75% full.


Land expansion : Building 100 square meters of land every day (real time) 0 seconds. (currently 500 square meters)


Base expansion: Airplane Carrier for allies 5 months

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Can I join?




Country's Name: Abaron

Capital: Notera Genera

Economy: High

Population: 10.9 Billion

Civilians: Abaronius Philosyphe Deltorus (Abaronius for short)

Troop Number: 5.45 Billion

Ruler: ~xXDevilsDestroyerXx~ (My name on the planet is Emperor Xianxygn)

Government Type: Despotism (Rules with an Iron Fist)

Currency: Rubeians (Gold & Ruby mixed together)

What is Your Country Type?: Evil (Likes to take control of other planets)

Military Technologies: 7.8 Billion Military Tech

Country’s Motto: An injury to one, is an injury to all.

Extra Information:

This planet has a highly advanced military.Technologies are discovered more quicker although, units take longer to train.This planet specializes in destroying or taking over planets.They have a current invasion over the planet Barbarosa.




Liquidized Flonoros Crystals (A.K.A. Crystal Bombs) 92% Developed


Inter-Universe Communication System 42% Completed


Giant Underground Virus Lab 99% Producted underneath Notera Genera Iin 2 Hours (A.K.A. 2 minutes)


Next Tax Income= €1,547,897,234 In 5 Hours (A.K.A. 5 minutes)[/align]

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