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@gdog: No problemo. ^_^


Country Project = Nationwide Education Program, 1 year 4 weeks to complete


Military Project = Maximized Assault Aircraft and Point Laser Defenses, 6 years 49 weeks to complete


Land Project = Improvement of Land in Oceanus Procellarum, 5 years 49 weeks to complete


Country Project = Public Transportation, 7 weeks to complete

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Medical Resurce 6-7 years 11 months 2 weeks to compleate


Military Project= Cruiser Battle Ships 2-4 years and 11 months 2 Weeks to compleate


Country Project = Air and Land Deffenses 2-4 years and 11 months 2 weeks to compleate


Technology Reserch compleate in 1 year and 6 months and 2 weeks


Blood Stone expansion 4 years 11 months 2 weeks to fully compleate

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Project Completion


Expanding Land Over All of Vulgaria (My planet)- 37% Completed


Researching For Weapons- 17% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 17% Completed


Resaerching for new Technology- 1% Completed

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Ovechkin Rocks

Why the wepon research???

It's not like your going to be attacked or anything(seriously)

Medical Resurce 6-7 years 11 months 1 weeks to compleate


Military Project= Cruiser Battle Ships 2-4 years and 11 months 1 Weeks to compleate


Country Project = Air and Land Deffenses 2-4 years and 11 months 1 weeks to compleate


Technology Reserch compleate in 1 year and 6 months and 1 weeks


Blood Stone expansion 4 years 11 months 1 weeks to fully compleate

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well just in cse some guy like super cheesy or someone like that who hates my comes along i would like to be preapared


Project Completion


Expanding Land Over All of Vulgaria (My planet)- 40% Completed


Researching For Weapons- 20% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 20% Completed


Resaerching for new Technology- 4% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 3% Completed

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True very very true

Medical Resurce 6-7 years 11 months to compleate


Military Project= Cruiser Battle Ships 2-4 years and 11 months to compleate


Country Project = Air and Land Deffenses 2-4 years and 11 months to compleate


Technology Reserch compleate in 1 year and 6 months


Blood Stone expansion 4 years 11 months to fully compleate

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Country's Name: Kagetherium

Capital: Angel's Cover

Economy: 10 bilion Muertos (15 billion dolars)

Population: 1 milion

Civilians: Americans, Germans, Roumanians, Mexicans

Troop Number: 100

Ruler: Demonarian23

Government Type: permanent President Republic

Currency: #@# Muertos (1#@# = 1,5$)

What is Your Country Type? Neutral

Military Technologies: Mostly helicopters and shrapnel-grenades. Highly powerful radars (can detect steath planes)

Country’s Motto: Live to learn and learn to live longer.

Extra Information: 100% urban community. Slightly racist community. Average IQ of people: 125.


>>Land Claim Rubric<<


Country Name: Kagetherium

Land/Planet You Are Claiming: Earth, on an artificial isle 200 miles west from Mexic

Did You Take This Land/Planet By Force?: No, we built it.

Is This Land/Planet Fictional?: Hello, the biggest artificial isle has a 50'000 population. Of COURSE it's fictional!

If it is fictional, please provide 1-2 sentences of information about this land/planet. 10 years ago, a large group of scientists and ecologists wanted to build a huge artificial isle and a community on it to research genetics there. They chose a place 200 miles west of Mexic because they could make commerce with Mexicans. Many Meixcans live in Kagetherium.

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Country Project = Nationwide Education Program, 1 year 3 weeks to complete


Military Project = Maximized Assault Aircraft and Point Laser Defenses, 6 years 48 weeks to complete


Land Project = Improvement of Land in Oceanus Procellarum, 5 years 48 weeks to complete


Country Project = Public Transportation, 6 weeks to complete

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Expanding Land Over All of Vulgaria (My planet)- 43% Completed


Researching For Weapons- 23% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 23% Completed


Resaerching for new Technology- 7% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 6% Completed

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Country Project = Nationwide Education Program, 1 year 3 weeks to complete


Military Project = Maximized Assault Aircraft and Point Laser Defenses, 6 years 48 weeks to complete


Land Project = Improvement of Land in Oceanus Procellarum, 5 years 48 weeks to complete


Country Project = Public Transportation, 6 weeks to complete




Country's Name: Ascharn

Capital: Chautzberge

Population: 7 million

Currency: Kauchos

Countries Income per Year: &30,000

Countries Total Spending per Year: &10,000


- Army: 5000

- Air Force: 2000

- Navy: 1000

- Space Force: 50

Current Projects: Country Project = Nationwide Education Program, 3 weeks to complete


Military Project = Maximized Assault Aircraft and Point Laser Defenses, 5 years 48 weeks to complete


Land Project = Improvement of Land in Oceanus Procellarum, 4 years 48 weeks to complete


Projects Completed: Public Transportation

Other Information:

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Project Completion


Expanding Land Over All of Vulgaria (My planet)- 45% Completed


Researching For Weapons- 25% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 25% Completed


Resaerching for new Technology- 9% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 8% Completed

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Country Project = Nationwide Education Program, 2 weeks to complete


Military Project = Maximized Assault Aircraft and Point Laser Defenses, 5 years 47 weeks to complete


Land Project = Improvement of Land in Oceanus Procellarum, 4 years 47 weeks to complete

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Project Completion


Expanding Land Over All of Vulgaria (My planet)- 47% Completed


Researching For Weapons- 27% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 27% Completed


Resaerching for new Technology- 11% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 10% Completed

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Country Project = Nationwide Education Program, 1 week to complete


Military Project = Maximized Assault Aircraft and Point Laser Defenses, 5 years 46 weeks to complete


Land Project = Improvement of Land in Oceanus Procellarum, 4 years 46 weeks to complete


Travel Project = Shuttle Transportation and Advanced Space Program, 1 year to complete


Military Project = Interplanetary Space Marine Assault / Defense Program, 3 years to complete

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Scientific research : Superfluid Glass 1 week left


Military research : Wireless Microwave Emission 4 months 1 week left


Economy : Trading fish and petrol to the Mexicans for money and bread


Income : Big quantity of money lost from extesive scientific research. Income is stable now, no money won, no money lost.


Land expansion : None at the moment 0 seconds


Base expansion: Airplane Carrier for allies 1 year

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Project Completion


Expanding Land Over All of Vulgaria (My planet)- 52% Completed


Researching For Weapons- 32% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 32% Completed


Resaerching for new Technology- 16% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 15% Completed

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Nationwide Education Program, COMPLETED


Military Project = Maximized Assault Aircraft and Point Laser Defenses, 5 years 45 weeks to complete


Land Project = Improvement of Land in Oceanus Procellarum, 4 years 45 weeks to complete


Travel Project = Shuttle Transportation and Advanced Space Program, 59 weeks to complete


Military Project = Interplanetary Space Marine Assault / Defense Program, 2 years 59 weeks to complete



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Project Completion


Expanding Land Over All of Vulgaria (My planet)- 55% Completed


Researching For Weapons- 35% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 35% Completed


Resaerching for new Technology- 19% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 18% Completed

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Country's Name:rodua

Capital:kagara city

Economy:trading cards

Population:2.5 million people 900 animals

Civilians: magic beings

Troop Number:30000


Government Type:republican


neutral country

Military Technologies: chaotic magic

Country’s Motto:magic is or mindset

Extra Information: none to say

income: <^>50,000,000,000 / yr.

spending: <^>45,000,000,000/ yr.

startoff: <^>75,000,000/ yr.

new project:

teleportation magic

aprox completion date: 9 years

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Project Completion


Expanding Land Over All of Vulgaria (My planet)- 75% Completed


Researching For Weapons- 55% Completed


Building Base in Eastern Russia (Not telling you were)- 55% Completed


Resaerching for new Technology- 39% Completed


Building Space AirCrafts- 38% Completed

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Country's Name:Eliva

Capital:Eliva city ( srry not very creative)


Population: 5 million

Civilians: (Humans, etc.) Humans

Troop Number: 90,000

Ruler: eliteduelists

Government Type: democracy

Currency: US dollars

What is Your Country Type? (Example: Neutral) peaceful country to its allies but ruthless to its enemies.

Military Technologies:

Country’s Motto: no matter what you never have a reason to quit.

Extra Information countries song is if today was your last day


Countries Income per Year: 500 million

Countries Total Spending per Year: 250 million

Military: total 100,000 poeple

-marines: 30% (30,000)

- Army: 10% (10,000)

- Air Force: 20% (20,000)

- Navy: 10% (10,00)

- Space Force: (If you have one) 1% (1,000)

- (secret new military) 39% (39,000)

Current Projects: secret military ( 12 years to complete)

Projects Completed: (Within the past year)none

Other Information: no

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