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Land List (MAX 2 per Person)-



Apple Planet


Ovechkin Rocks-


Eastern Russia



Big Island East of Mexico (Created by Scientists)



Nesses 4



No Name Planet



The Moon








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Country's Name: Mandicavia

Capital: Mandia

Economy: ???

Population: 1,000 people, 157 domestic animals

Civilians: Humans, Domestic Animals (cats, dogs, horses etc...)

Troop Number: 133 people

Ruler: TBD

Government Type: Democratic (people vote for Ruler)

Currency: Americian Dollars

Netural Country

Military Technologies: GPS navigation

Country’s Motto: Even when you die, Even when you leave, You are still a Mandicavian

Extra Information:

Language- Mandicavian

>>Land Claim Rubric<<


Country Name: Mandicavia

Land/Planet You Are Claiming: Western Island of Vulgaria

Did You Take This Land/Planet By Force?: No

Is This Land/Planet Fictional?: Yes

This planet has Earth like characteristics. It has drinking water, land and other nessescary needs. The planet is about the size of Earth.


I am willing sell this land if i am offered a good amount of money or Technology.

Our Country is in Progress of Determining the Ruler of Mandicavia. No major projects will be made until Ruler has been decided.

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>>Nation Creation Rubric<<


Country's Name:nano



Population:2,000 people 324 nano aliens

Civilians: people and nano aleins

Troop Number:233


Government Type: defence

Currency:nano dollers (1 nano doller=$2.50 Americian Dollar)

What is Your Country Type? (Example: Neutral)

Military Technologies: Most Minor Military Weapons

Country’s Motto:defence is the key to win

Extra Information:

Language- English

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Ruler of Mandicavia Decided: Ovechkin Rocks


We are beginning a project to build our planet all over Vulgaria.


Vulgaria Can not be built on during this project.


Project Time Frame-


On Time- 8 Days


If Attacked- 12+ Days

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Country's Name:Bajpinikus

Capital: Lacikus's city

Economy:Shopping With Cards

Population: 25,000 people, 690 domestic animals

Civilians: Humans, Domestic Animals (cats, dogs, horses etc...)

Troop Number: 1000 peoples


Government Type: Democratic.


Netural Country

Military Technologies: GPS navigation

Country’s Motto:Our taxes are smallest in hidtory

Extra Information:


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Is This Land/Planet Fictional?:Yes

This planet has Earth like characteristics. It has drinking lacikus's water, land and other nessescary needs. The land is twice less than size of Earth.

I will like to make this more interesting.

How about.

Every Update needs to be payed.

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Country's Name: Mandicavia

Capital: Mandi

Population: 1230 people, 200 domestic animals

Currency: Americain Dollar

Total Money for Country: $12,600,000

Countries Paid on Projects this Year: $1,500,000

Countries Total Spending per Year: $1,300,000


- Army: 2009 USA Tech

- Air Force: None

- Navy: None

- Space Force: None

Current Projects: Building Land for Country all across Vulgaria to have space for a growing Country

Projects Completed: None

Other Information:

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Offical Mandicavian Flag and YCM Card


Mandicavian Ruler- Ovechkin Rocks




Lore: Mandicavia + Ovechkin Rocks

When "Mandicavian Ruler- Ovechkin Rocks" is targeted to attack by a Synchro or Ritual monster that moster is removed from play.

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Country's Name:Blood Stone

Capital:Prayer City

Economy:Wepon Sells


Civilians: Human/WereWolves

Troop Number:15,000

Ruler:Daniel a.k.a. WereLord

Government Type: Pack

Currency: Gold and Silver Coins

What is Your Country Type? Evil

Military Technologies:SSSHHHHHH (secrete)


Military Project= Cruiser Battle Ships 5-7 weeks to compleate

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