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My Hill!


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IntelligentANBU + MRSGH Hill


[spoiler=Rules of IntelligentANBU + MRScarlet Alliance]1. You agree that all men and women are created equal.

2. You agree that English Pirates are FTW.

3. You agree that 360 no-scopes are FTW

4. You agree that 360 no-scopes are not better than Burger Town

5. You agree that Burger Town is not better than Modern warfare 2

6. You agree that Modern Warfare 2 is not better than Fable 2

7. You agree that Fable 2 is Legend of Zelda

8. You agree that Fable 2 is not better than Pokemon

9. You agree that Giovanni is the most evil SOB on Earth and is also Bakura in Italian-Armageddon form

10. You agree that Pokemon is not better than Final Fantasy XIII

11. You agree that all these rules suck


[spoiler=And now the MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF ALL]You agree to not follow these rules unless you want to be friends with Inteligent12



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*traps PakstraX in an invisible box made with a Genutsu, leaving him standing there not moving as his real body is carted away by the real me and tipped into the volcano*

*Raises a Flag on the Hill and puts up recruiting posters*


IntelligentANBU + MRSGH Hill

[Come to the Dark Side, you don't need anything 'cause you can take it from the other groups without their knowledge] ^_^

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