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My Hill!


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I make (emphasis on make) Chuck Norris solve this problem:


If the 50th siren says finnisciamolateda, what is the yell of a cow's breastelacocoantdata?


I pushith the Lake of RAEG on top of most of the pokemon, engulfing them in RAEG.


Whilist he ponders, I put DA FLAG OF VENGANCE on the top of the hill. Quickly you must erase the mockery. Lest you wishith to be roasted in my caldron of FIYAH!


Spells! Bringith on the spells!


My Hill

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I wasn't talking aboput chuckl norris i was talking about WOODChuck Norris dumbass. and chuck norris isn't part of the hill. The hill is part of chuck norris. so any hill has chcuk norris. But not everyone has the wood chuck that can chuck chuck norris bastards!

Woodchuck hill.

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