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My Hill!


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I however activate, Waboku followed by Blasting the ruins and because you destroyed my 900 jutte fighters you take 3000 life point damage and the hill crumble to nothingness. I then declare we move our nwar to another hill nearby.


I build a fortress on said hill with an army of Jutte Fighters, Toraparts, Speed Warriors, Junk Warriors and Magna Dragos. With three 'generals' Junk Warrior, Stardust Dragon and Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth.


My Hill

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I activate 3 synchro deflectors and the attack rebounds on you and your card, saving my army which then gets Nitro and Turbo synchrons added to it along with a Turbo Synchron 'general'.


My monster army then fuses with my soul army creating a super army of Monsters and Souls which then grab your limp body and bury it about 2 feet from the earths molten core.


My Hill

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