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Ally of Justice - Field Marshall

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1 Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Synchro Summon. If this card destroys a face-down Defense Position monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, draw 1 card.


DO WANT[/align]

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1 Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Synchro Summon. If this card destroys a face-down Defense Position monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard' date=' draw 1 card.


DO WANT[/align]


Don't really want all that much. Has a 3 monster minimum and Mist Wurm's got a better effect with the same Summoning conditions. This is a tad situational for my liking.

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Wait....what kind of Rarity is that? I thought they didn't make that kind anymore.


Anyway' date=' I like....except for the 2 non-Tuner thing.....



Its level nine. Not that hard to summon. Have a level four non-tuner on the field. Summon any level three tuner. Special Summon Quillbolt from the Graveyard. Synch it up.

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Wait....what kind of Rarity is that? I thought they didn't make that kind anymore.


Anyway' date=' I like....except for the 2 non-Tuner thing.....



Its level nine. Not that hard to summon. Have a level four non-tuner on the field. Summon any level three tuner. Special Summon Quillbolt from the Graveyard. Synch it up.


I'd rather not main Quillbolt and Sync one of the many Level 7 Synchros than main Quillbolt and Sync this to be honest.


Oh, and this is Secret Rare, which I'm pretty sure they're still making.

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Wait....what kind of Rarity is that? I thought they didn't make that kind anymore.


Anyway' date=' I like....except for the 2 non-Tuner thing.....



Its level nine. Not that hard to summon. Have a level four non-tuner on the field. Summon any level three tuner. Special Summon Quillbolt from the Graveyard. Synch it up.


I'd rather not main Quillbolt and Sync one of the many Level 7 Synchros than main Quillbolt and Sync this to be honest.


Oh, and this is Secret Rare, which I'm pretty sure they're still making.


But don't Secret Rares have the lines going diagonally? This looks like the kind of rarity they used for the EARLY GB games that they stopped making.

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Wait....what kind of Rarity is that? I thought they didn't make that kind anymore.


Anyway' date=' I like....except for the 2 non-Tuner thing.....



Its level nine. Not that hard to summon. Have a level four non-tuner on the field. Summon any level three tuner. Special Summon Quillbolt from the Graveyard. Synch it up.


I'd rather not main Quillbolt and Sync one of the many Level 7 Synchros than main Quillbolt and Sync this to be honest.


Oh, and this is Secret Rare, which I'm pretty sure they're still making.


But don't Secret Rares have the lines going diagonally? This looks like the kind of rarity they used for the EARLY GB games that they stopped making.


Wait, Wikia lists it as a "Duel Terminal Secret Parallel Rare." Guess that's what it is, which would explain the horizontal lines.

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